Do they expect me to know all this???

I don't even get the bloods screening for Downs here. Unless you're over 35 or high risk (how are you meant to know) you have to pay £200 to have it done. My mw said at my age I shouldn't worry about it anyway but I think it's really bad to be honest. They have only just introduced 12 week scans. I only had one at 20 weeks with my son.
omg i cant believe they dont offer you the bloods taken.
And there was me moaning that my mw is rubbish, did they just say that they don't do them in your area???? £200 is a steep price to pay when so many others get them free.
Yeah they just don't do them unless you're willing to pay which I haven't got £200 to pay out! I didn't have them with my son either, there wasn't even the option to pay for them either. If you're over 35 they'll do them for free but that's it. Shocking how different it is for different postcodes!
i has similar problems getting the buck passed from gp to midwife to antenatal clinic, just to try to book a damned mw appointment!!!

it didnt help my mw's phone was switched off for 8 weeks.....apparantly she was sick but i still got told i could only arrange anything through her..

so i KNOW how frustrating it is.

Unfortunately if you're unlucky and your mw/antenatal organisation is as crap as mine (which it seems to be!) you have to be self reliant and find out the info for yourself.....and insist on an appointment when you know you need one.

good luck!!!

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