midwifes hows yours


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2007
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i went to see midwife at 30 weeks and me being my usuall forgetfull self forgot my notes i waited 30 min to see her only to be told sorry cant see you you havent got your notes i began to get quite stress and said i wanted to know results of my blood test she said imposible without your number,

it was also the start of my blader and kidney ifection and asked if she could check my wee well she gave me a bottle and i found myself rushing to the toilet sressed out i was boiling hot and there was blood ing my urine but i came out of there so angry and upset just because i forgot my notes
with charlotte i saw a different mw every time i went..also my post natal mw was a complete b***h if she comes anywhere near me this time im gonna tell her 2 get out.
Oh dear.. that seems a bit harsh!

I forgot my notes at my last midwife appointment. I was made to feel like a naughty school girl! :shock: :oops:

but the midwife still managed to get my records up using my name, date of birth, address etc... she also managed to ring the hospital to find out my blood results which were not yet on the system.

So sure your midwfie could have done the same. :hug:
I've never forgotten my notes so can't comment about what I'd be treated like if I did (actually going today, notes are on the table by the door ready to go). The first few visits I saw a different midwife, week 9, 12, 16 and 20 were different midwives. Week 24 I actually met my assigned midwife and PHEW she's so much better than the others I've seen to date so relaxed a little then, went for 28 week check and saw her again so was pleased about that. I'm seeing her today for my 32 week check and pray my 34 will be with her too as she job shares with another lady and they basically take it in turns, a month on the ward, a month in the community then swap over agian type thing. So I might see the other one at 34 weeks then my one again at 36 weeks? We shall see I suppose. I just hope it's her on call/duty when I go into labour as I'm planning a homebirth.
I forgot my notes once but was not told I couldnt be seen. Still had my normal check up. They shouldnt have turned you away :|
My midwife isnt the greatest but she at least see's me and does all the appropriate checks, have only had 2 MW and that because I moved Counties.
When my midwifery care was being done in cheshire i saw the same MW all the time which was great as I built up a relationship of good trust with her, and she even said she would like to have been with me when i delivered.
I never forgot my notes, the odd sample of pee yes :oops: but i had to do it when i got there! :D
She was lovely and Isometimes wish i hadnt of moved because the care was good up there.

But now im back home down south again, il let you know. Even if there cows i only have to put up with them a few more weeks then thats it :D

Making you fee like a twat cos you forgot your notes is out of order, and is no way to treat anyone! I would complain if i were you and get a new MW
I see two midwifes.

One is really crap and the other is really nice.

Hope the crap one is around when my baby need deivering, lol!

Just out of interest why do you want the crap one about when you give birth or was that a typo error? :rotfl:
Ha ha, sorry, i don't!

I mean hope she is not around :rotfl: :rotfl:

Pregnancy brain strikes again!


lmarszall said:
Ha ha, sorry, i don't!

I mean hope she is not around :rotfl: :rotfl:

Pregnancy brain strikes again!



But then again, maybe if she is you could just give her loads of grief for being so crap. Let her know just how much pain you are in :), I remember having a crap MW with Josh and I let her know, mum told me off for being so rude :oops: :rotfl:

My MW in labour ward was a bitch and after sticking god knows what up me to check stephen was ok i screamed at her to get out so i could have someone that knew what they were doing.My DH was shocked out of his mind at my language! :rotfl:

aww thats crap they should not of turned you away :x
Hope your get treated better next time

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