Midwifery assistant


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
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Well i wrote to my hospital about 2 weeks ago asking if they were thinking of taking any midwifery assistants on. I thought it would give me experience before i start my midwifery training in a few years when Amy is in school.

Any way, i got a letter from the head of midwifery this morning saying they are going to be advertised on the NHS website for our area, she said that she was going to keep my letter out and look for my application when they start arriving!!

I'm really excited, I am going to do evenings so i don't have to worry about child care, its a step closer to me actually training and its a bit of "me" time!!

Its something i have always wanted to do, i hope i get it :D
ohhh midwife assistant sounds good
im gonna be thick now wot would u have to do ?
Sarah to be honest i'm not too sure, i think its making the beds, doing BP checks and offering support i think!

I'll let you know when it's posted on the website!
Yvonne I never knew u could do that, Iv wanted to be a midwife for as long as I can remember I applied and didnt get a place, they like experience in hospital enviroment and this is a great way to get it! I wonder if its worth writing to my hospital, what is the pay like?
good luck. it sounds a good opportunity. :)
Hey Lauz,
I am not sure on pay to be honest, but i am not really doing it for the money, it is just something i want to do.
I looked on the NHS stockport website and i noticed they were crying out for midwives so i thought " If they are short on midwives then the current midwives may like the extra support and help" So i got the name of the head midwife off the midwifery job application and wrote to her.

I just explained i was going to do midwifery ( if i get a place) and i had had 2 children and loved the experience of it and i would like to start to gain some experience before the course starts.

I am really hoping i get the job, there is no better experience than having children yourself!! :wink:
oh that sounds great hun! I bet it's a really rewarding job. hope you get it x
i would love to be a midwife but i no i wouldnt be able to cope with the bad things eg, a still birth or when the baby comes out and takes a while to breath ild be screaming..

my midwife came out today for my last ome visit i was thinking to myself what a lovely ob she has...

yvonne.. do you need qualifications for midwife assistance job??

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