

Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2007
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2 Questions... :)

1. Iv got a midwife appoitment tuesday (I'll be 25 weeks + 5). Just wondering what she'll be doing? Will i be having the blood tests done again & bump measured,that kinda thing?

2. Im going to ask her for the Maternity Form signed aswell to start benefits in october and healthy start things for milk vouchers. Does she give it to you there and then or do you have to go back another day to collect?
Thank you :) xx
Sorry Carly can't help with question 2 (don't get that here)
On Thursday had a docs appointment and had to go back Friday for glucose analysis thingy (its called Curva here don't know in UK)
Had to have 2 blood samples taken (not nice! :puke: ) I was 25 +3 then so maybe the same for you ????
good luck anyway :hug:
About the form... i had to get my own form from the job centre then take it to my midwives appointment so she could fill out her bit :?

I think she wil take blood as wel
Hope that helps :hug:
Nic'n'Keeley said:
i had to get my own form from the job centre then take it to my midwives appointment so she could fill out her bit :?

Oh Great :| Thanks for letting me know, i'll give them a ring tomorrow then :)
My midwife appointment is in two weeks and asked me to bring a pee sample.

I have to wait to do forms for mat allowance but i also have to go to job centre for them and then take then to her.

your midwife should measure where your uteras (can't spell) is and check the heat beat (though every1 on here have been doing that for themselves!) and will check your health etc

thats all i've been told x x x
Oh and my next lot of bloods are at 28weeks and 36 weeks. Mine say on my mat notes :)

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