
Tina & Gabs

Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2006
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Hey Girls

Had midwife appointment on Tuesday and all is fine.
Baby is head down (3/5 engaged) and back is on the left side (apparently this is the best side for giving birth).

I was measuring at 37cm though :shock: DH was worried that I would be having a big baby, bless him

I was having a braxton hick whilst she was feeling for baby and she couldn't feel a thing :lol:

Can't believe how quickly it is all going.

I really have a feeling I will be early. Anyone else have this feeling?

Hope you are all well :D
i have a feeling ill be early too tina. ive been measuring big all th way through and as i wasn't sure of my dates at all i might be further gonethan i am.
time will tell i suppse.
Im glad you're feeling well and everything is ok. :hug:
yes i DID have the feeling i would be early!!!
but i'm still here.!!!
you're not quite 40 weeks yet though. theres still time fox :cheer:
not long now...ive been measuring either big or spot on for my dates, I have thought from the beginning though i'm not gonna go all the way, unless thats me in denial lol... :pray: please dont let me go overdue :pray:
Cheers Budge :D

Only time will tell if we are early.

Foxy Mum hope it happens soon; are you getting fed up now?

Take care :hug:
Glad everything went well for you Tina. I think the opposite to you - reckon this LO will keep me waiting, although I hope to be spot on. Maybe it's got something to do with taking Hayley's place in the third tri she went sooo far over?!!
glad everything is ok tina, i am hoping i will come early coz bubs is fully engaged but i have got a feeling i will go overdue
hey tina, meee tooo .. midwife also told me that was best position in my 'birthing workshop' i had earlier.. not long for us both now hun!

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