Midwife Wednesday...


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2006
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......what can i expect?? it'll be my first appointment with her and im a little scared although excited....will she be able to tell me how far along i actually am or will she have to send me for a scan?!?!

hope everyone had a good weekend

She'll probably just be able to work out an estimated date from your LMP but I think you'll probably have to wait for a dating scan to get an exact date because they'll know from the measurements of the baby exactly how far gone you are then.

I hope it goes better than mine and that you at least get to see your MW!!

Good luck
The first one isn't very exciting I'm afraid! She'll do all your maternity notes which you get to take home with you. You'll have bloods done, your weight and height to work out your bmi. If you haven't had it yet, you'll get a pack with loads of booklets and leaflets about pregnancy etc to read. She'll also check your blood pressure and may tell you to produce a urine sample. She'll tell you how to book your scan but seen as you don't really know how far you are she might book an early one for you. It's all a start though hun and makes it a tad more real :D
Nothing exciting. Just the usual booking in stuff probably. There really is little to be done at this point in pregnancy as far as the whole MW side goes.

Involves paperwork, she'll ask some medical background and so on. Take your BP, weigh you maybe, give you a urine pot to wee in before the next visit and have a bit of a chat.

She may be able to calculate your due date if you know your LMP date. Other than that she can't tell at this point.

She may tell you she'll book your scan so then its a case of waiting for the postman in the next few weeks.

And any questions you have for her...ask! Not asking and then worrying or some such once you leave is a bit pointless. I'm a great believer in being informed especially when it comes to our bodies and the babies we are carrying. If you don't understand something or want it explained in more detail, don't be afraid to ask that of them :) I never leave my MW or GP appointments until I am clear in my head and understand what it is they have told me. Saves for any worry later :)

Good luck :)

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