midwife this morning not very happy.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2006
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well went for my routine check up with the midwife today, did the usual BP urine sample check then it was time to measure bump.....

Well for a start she's not head down from my last appointment 4 weeks ago she's lying across my belly, midwife not happy about this so is giving me 2 weeks to see if she moves herself round if not it's off for a scan to confirm then book me in for a c section.( to this im devastated as i managed to have my 1st normally and he was a whopper!!!) so then she says lets have a little listen to the baby to my horror she couldn't find her heartbeat either which completely freaked me so she tries to push her and prodd her then to get her heartbeat for about 20 secs then it goes again.

So my little madam is completely playing up even before she's been born and im not a happy bunny at all!!!! :(

So im back at midwife on 11th aug to see if little luci has moved or not!!! :wall: :wall:

What a morning so far!!!! :roll:
im sure she'll move hunni, shes a girl, bound to be being awkward
angiemum2b said:
... see if little luci has moved or not!!!

:shock: So we're due the same day, and we've possibly picked the same name?! It's on my shortlist of... two.

Sorry to hear about your transverse lie, but there's plenty of time still. Mine's head down but could still flip my MW said.
i wouldnt worry that baby hasnt turned. Ours has been breech the whole pregnancy and doctor wasnt worried, she said she wouldnt bother till my 37week app. anyways, i was convinced baby had moved last week i could just 'feel' it. and knew! but lastnight there was a huge wiggle going on and her head and sholders are definatly back up there in the ribs and all kicks down below.

GRrrrr girls are naughty!!!!
NickyB said:
angiemum2b said:
... see if little luci has moved or not!!!

:shock: So we're due the same day, and we've possibly picked the same name?! It's on my shortlist of... two.

Sorry to hear about your transverse lie, but there's plenty of time still. Mine's head down but could still flip my MW said.

How scary is that !!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

Well i had no probs when having my son as he was head down all through my pregnancy but this one is a right trouble maker already!!!
I said to my OH yesterday that i knew she was still lying across and he said he thought she would be head down, again i was right!!!
Like i said ive got 2 weeks to do my best in coaxin her to move. :think:
sorry to be intruding on third triers, but i was breech with DD and was told at 32 weeks to go down for my scan and be booked in for C-section!! :shock: i said noooo way i am NOT having a C if its not really totaly deffinately needed! i threw a huge hissy fit coz they wouldnt listen and just shoved me off and still booked me two weeks before she was due and i refused to go. i ended up not turning up. she wasnt ready to come out yet! i started getting contrations on my due date and thought that was it but suddenly felt her move and the contractions tapered off - she was all ready to go! then three days later i gave birth to her naturally and was so proud that she had turned for mummy. dont worry about it hun she will move for you .. eventually :wink:

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