midwife appt

rainbow dancer

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2010
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just been to see my midwife, baby still 3/5ths engaged!! all is well with baby good heartbeat etc so am happy. declined sweep today but discussed induction, so plan is see her in clinic again next tuesady with a view of having a sweep then andif no action then have already been booked in for a induction next thursday, midwife hopes baby may decide to make an apperance before then!!fingers crossed, how are you all doing??xx
sounds good. why did you not want a sweep today though?
i discussed with midwife who was more than happy to give me one today but as im only 3 days over im happy to wait and see if babywants to come on his/her own. im a saddo and have researched into it and the likely hood of it working are much lower as first time mum etc etc. midwife agreed that often the cervix is quite high and and quite often cant get near for sweep so will wait!. xx
I'm seeing Dr later today. He doesn't agree with sweeps, so not sure what's gonna happen, but SO don't wanna have one with the midwife next week. Really hoping Dr will do sweep for me anyway. I'm so desperate to get on with things!
Ah right I see. I can imagine it would be quite sore if it was still high.

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