We had a few surprises during our first midwife appointment and they have been playing on my mind a bit. What do you guys think?
My midwife has banned me from:
1. Gardening because next door have cats. I LOVE gardening and I have veg and what not growing, I will admit that we battle with next doors cats digging up and crapping in our plants, but I have solved the problem with lots of pointy canes in our beds and I always wear gardening gloves. -
This is true but if your wearing gloves as long aqs it doesn;t leak through you should be ok.
2. Cycling. After asking whether I cycled and hearing me reply no, (I don't even have a bike) I got a lecture on how dangerous it is to cycle whilst pregnant, even in the early stages. Apparently the same goes for high impact type gym stuff? -
They say if you don;t do any strenuous exercise before your pregnant you shouldn't whilst you are pregnant, this is because your body isn't used to it and your body will be doing enough ust growing a baby as it is
I was tol the same at my first appointment
3. Eating chocolate or anything with any source of caffeine in it. Baring in mind I'd already told her I don't drink coffee and I'm a vegan, so I have a small amount of raw vegan chocolate, but it's a once a week event not daily. I even have very low blood pressure, so it's not like I'd have a dangerous reaction to a small amount of occasional caffeine. -
I cut down my caffiene intake to 3 cups of caffiene tea a day and then the rest is Decaf tea, if you stop it straight away you may find you get headaches and such like.
4. Eating vegan pate, even home made, because it has 'raw' ingredients. Most of what I eat is raw, it's all nuts/seeds/fruit/veg, there are no meats or animal products at all. There isn't anything in it that I don't eat in anything else either? -
All pate is banned vegan or not this is because of the ingrediants in it - http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/ate/pregnancyandchildbirth/204285.html
I'm not sure how much of this is sensible advice and how much of it is rather extreme? Looking at threads on here lots of people seem to go to the gym, eat chocolate and just basically get on with life and are just fine? She came across as pushy and bossy and when I tried to ask questions to clear things up I got the 'I know FAR more about all this than you do' cut off line so I didn't get the answers (specifically to the food questions) that I wanted.