Midwife couldn't find heartbeat with Doppler


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2010
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Went for my 16 week appointment she found something but couldnt work out whether it was mine or not as mine is fast but he put an old machine on could barely see the baby it was that crap lol but i made the baby out and saw the flickering of the heartbeat! The baby is lying towards my back. Also there was a trace of protein in my urine sample...what could this mean? xx
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Ah at least your happy you saw the heart beat mrs.... Protien in your urine can be a sign of BP being raised but if they werent concerned dont worry about it they will keep an eye on you!

I have protein in mine but I have a history of pre eclampsia so being watched again incase it gets worse but just make sure you report anything like visial disturbances, dizziness etc etc! Not usual to get it at 15 weeks so prob nothing to worry about but just be aware for the signs xx
I had an appointment at 16 weeks and asked her to find baby's heartbeat and she said that as a rule they did not do it until 22 weeks as 90% of the time, they couldn't and it causes worry. Sure it's nothing to worry about, will just be the way it's laying.

Don't know anything about the protein in pee, but then they didn't even bother getting a sample from me since 8 week appointment!
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I had a small amount of protein in my urine at 12 weeks and they said it could be a sign of slight urine infection....they sent it off to be tested but it came back clear anyway xx
Ditto to amanda, if it was somyhing to worrie bout they wuda sent it off to be tested hun x
at my 16 week appointment they couldn't find the hearteat either so i had to go back the next week to have it checked, and she found it straight away, protein in your wee can just enothing something an infection, pre eclampsia and sometimes a tiny bit of discharge can get in aswell.

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