Midwife appt.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2005
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Had my 22 weeks midwife appointment today, he checked baby's heartbeat and all was well. I love hearing it, puts my mind at rest. He also measured my belly and said im measuring 25 cms instead of 22. I said oh no i don't want a turkey baby. :lol: He just laughed at me. He said baby had probably had a growth spurt.

He said not to see him now until about 30 weeks as i have my first anti d injection at 28 weeks. Seems quite far off but no probs so i don't mind.
Glad to hear it all went well for you Lind.

Still puzzles me why they measure the tummy when it seems to have little relevance to the size of the baby! My tummy has always been a bit bigger than it should be. I don't know what they'd make of me! LOL

What's an Anti-D injection if you don't mind me asking?
I have never had my tummy measured and have only ever been weighed once.
Glad all's well for you and LO Lind :hug:

I've never had the belly measurement either, and have been weighed only once too Flame :think: It surprises how different peeps MW care and procedure is, I assumed everyone would get the same.
I've never been weighed.
I've never had my tummy measured.

Mind you I had a fat "pouch" of a tummy pre-pregnancy so I can contibute a million cm's to that fact alone. Like you said Sabrina, I wonder what they would make of measuring me!! :rotfl:
My mw said last week my baby was a good size for 17 weeks, now im worried its gonna be a porker and im gonna give birth to a '10lber' :shock: :shock: :shock:
Had mine today, all went well. Bp is fine, heard the heartbeat. It's moved up a bit, now just under my belly button. Made the appointment for the GTT test which is 2nd April. Will be there for 2 hrs from 8:30am :shock: Have been told to take something to read and a bottle of lucozade :lol:
Thanks girls. Yeah its funny how they all do different things. I've only been weighed once, next one at 38 weeks.

Sabrina, coz im rhesus negative blood type i have to have injections at 28 and 34 weeks as there may be risk that my blood could harm the baby's if mixed together, so this will prevent it.
i'v never been measured.

heather, whats a gtt test?

lind, u hav a male midwife? not that i'm opposed to it, i just cant imagine one!

So im guessing you only see yoru doc a few times during your pregnancy then? and the rest its your mw
Here its doctors every 4 weeks , and measure, weigh each visit.
My midwife told me that our local NHS only require them to start measuring at 28 weeks + routinely.
And I've only been weighed once at my booking in appointment. But I've only put on 3/4 of a stone, don't know how with all the chocolate I keep eating :oops:


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