Midwife appointment


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2006
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well i went to see midwife today but my usual one had been out on a delivery, so had a new student midwife and someone who usually works elsewhere.

All seems to be fine, my HB levels had dropped a lot and i am borderline for needing iron tablets (i eat a lot of iron in diet), and they measured me but didn't have a growth chart available so couldn't tell me if in "normal" range! I am just a bit disappointed as i wanted to know thinks were ok, even though i think they are!

I measured 28cms they thought!

Anyway sorry i didnt mean for the post to be quite so long!!

I am sooooo excited about having our baby!!!
Glad all went ok, 2cm under is fine and normal i was about 2cm under my date range my last pregnancy and my son was 7lb 8oz. :hug:
so should it be around 1cm for each week of pregnancy? I don't feel i am small but its hard to tell and i know it can all change.
Thanks for you reply! :hug:
Thats ok hun :hug:

Yes what ever you are in weeks should be the same in cm aswell.... My midwife don't even measure me this time she just writes down the same what ever weeks i am!! :? Will ask her why next time she has stopped. :think: She has not measured me at all this pregnancy.
i thought they always measured you?

Has anyone else had to have iron tablets yet? I am going to try nd eat even more iron until my 34 week blood test and see if that helps it dropping even more!!

My midwife has never measured me!

I have been on iron tablets for a couple of months, they gave me constipation to start off with but my body seems to have got used to them now.

I have a very healthy diet and eat lots of iron rich foods and vitamin C (which is needed to absorb iron), but I just don't absorb iron well. So it is not always dependent on your diet unfortunately.
My MW has never measured me either - she just feels my tummy to see where my uterus stops and tells me I'm measuring ok. My iron levels have been pretty good up until now so I hope it stays that way xx

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