Midwife Appointment


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2011
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I recently found out I was further along than I thought (13 weeks instead of 9) and I've missed the window for a nuchal fold scan so the midwife told me I needed to do a blood test as soon as possible and booked me in this morning.

When I arrived at the midwife's appointment she said that the blood they screen for down's needs to be taken at 16 - 17 weeks, and at 14 weeks I'm a bit too early. Apparently they take blood at around 12 - 14 weeks if you're having the nuchal fold scan as well but if not you need to wait a bit longer.

So in that sense it was a bit of a waste of time but I didn't care when I heard baby's heartbeat. It was only for a second, but it did make up for a wasted trip :dance:
I was 13+6 at my scan so had to have bloods at 16weeks for downs etc. testing. Thats nice u heard the heartbeat, i still havnt heard mine :( x
I only heard it for a second and the midwife did say it might be slightly early yet as the baby will only just be coming out of my pelvis. As soon as I'd heard it it went away again - probably the baby wriggling about.
I had my nuchal scan at 13+1; I actually went in for a scan to check baby was okay after I had fallen and they got me in the same day for my nuchal scan... unexpected.. apparantly up until 13 weeks is the window for the nuchal scan...I also had bloods; mine was okay at 13+1.. but I think to much later makes it hard to check during a scan!! Though at 16 weeks they will do bloods xx

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