Nuchal fold scan tomorrow!!

What age should you start to worry about downs? I'm nearly 33 and ttc xx

They give you a booklet before seeing midwife that sets our risk figures per age; you can prob google it as I can't remember off the top of my head...!

Well I'm having my nuchal scan on Weds and I'll be 13+2; I thought it was between 11 and 13+6 but when I rang the hospital (as they had originally given me an appt for 14+4), she said 14+1 was the latest...

Maybe each hospital is different. I know some women have to pay for the nuchal screening but it's free at my hospital so I guess they do these bits their own way! x
Jen chick.. you should be in time I was 13+1 xxx
I had my nuchal scan and all was well thank goodness! I am a low risk which is good. They did know what I was having but they said they could get it wrong so they wouldnt tell me which was frustrating. I also have a lutial cyst which is getting bigger by the day so I am now under consultants care. I have an appointment Thursday to see if they are going to drain it or leave it. I know these cysts are good in pregnancy but this is taking the ****. I will be having more scans throughout pregnanacy which is good but I wont be looking forward to having it drained!

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