Midwife appointment this morning...


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2008
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Hi There, this question has probably been asked loads so sorry if I am going over old ground.

I've got my mw appointment at home this morning and I know that she is going to take bloods etc but what else happens. Will she want to nosey round my house or anything like that? Or is it just family medical history etc

Two said:
Hi There, this question has probably been asked loads so sorry if I am going over old ground.

I've got my mw appointment at home this morning and I know that she is going to take bloods etc but what else happens. Will she want to nosey round my house or anything like that? Or is it just family medical history etc

more just blood tests and a million questions, not heard of the noseying round the house before, good luck, hope it goes well :hug:
its just loads of questions, andfinding out any illnesses in the family etc (dont worry you dont have to clean the house :rotfl: )
I saw mine at a clinic not at home so don't know if they snoop!

They'll take blood, a urine sample and ask millions of questions - I found some of them rather shocking like is the father your partner? Could it be anyone elses? Does your partner hit you?...plus loads of medical history questions.

Good luck and remember to ask any questions you have (I took a list in with me!)
Ooo mine dont do bloods at home, not even urine when she came out.

All done at 16 weeks here.

Hope it went well hun :cheer:
Thanks for the replies everyone. Not sure what I was expecting but I cleaned the house anyway. I had visions of her saying that I wouldn't be a fit mother because last nights tea pots were still in the sink...! How daft is that..!!

Anyway, she was great. Like you said she just asked loads of family medical history questions, my health questions and let me know what happens next. She explained all the scans and blood tests. Took bloods and urine and gave me loads of stuff to read up on.

She stayed for nearly two hours! I'm glad she was nice because we are hopefully going on quite a long journey together so it's good to get on.

Anyway, I am due to have my first 12 week scan tomorrow so I will let you know how that goes. I'm so nervous though......
Glad everything went well for you :D
I've got my first midwife appointment next tuesday :cheer: but its at a clinic, they dont do home visits anymore near me :(
I hope your midwife is as nice to you as mine was to me.

Good luck and hope all goes well for you. Let us know how you get on.

Take care,

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