Midwife appointment - not so good news!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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EDIT:: Does anyone know any sites I can go to for information on back to back? I just did a google search and it came up with nothing! I just really want to get as much information I can about it and tips on how to get Aimee to turn around.


I mentioned in a post from this morning about the pre-eclampsia symptoms. My blood pressure today was 112/76 but I mentioned to the midwife about the other symptoms. She doesn't think it is pre-eclampsia but she has took some bloods to be tested and has put a note of the symptoms in the notes. She took me seriously, which was a relief.

Some bad news though, Aimee is back to back. Along with the SPD the midwife said that if she doesn't turn around in 2 weeks they'll have to consider a c-section. :x That is what I wanted to avoid unless it was necessary. Will find out in 2 weeks!
Well im glad she took you seriously and has sent your bloods off, at least you'll know for sure if your ok on that front.

As for Amiee being back to back, Tally was at my 36 week appointment, i've just come back from my 38 weeks one and she's back in the right position. Just wondering but can you feel her back at times? I've know Tally has been moving the past 2 weeks cos she pushes her feet and back out and you can feel the outline on my belly, its a good way for me to keep track of where she is and i now know that she's constantly changing so even if she is back to back again next week she's been changing a lot.

I guess you're just gonna have to get on all fours and give her a stern talking to!! I hope she moves for you hun
abcd1234 said:
Just wondering but can you feel her back at times?

I can't actually. I never even knew she was back to back until the midwife told me today. I've been in so much pain for weeks which explains it all now!
From reading some other posts, is this what the being on all fours, rocking, and the sleeping on your left is supposed to encourage? I think I remember reading something Sherlock said about being sat upright on proper chairs at the end, unlike me lounging on the sofa!
I'm sure I've read that bouncing on your gym ball (this seems to be my favourite piece of advice :lol: ) can help move your LO into the right position. There is still quite a while for her to get the right way, don't worry :hug:

Glad your midwife took you seriously on the pre-pre-eclampsia front - hope you get the results soon :D
I hope you don't have to have a section, both of mine were back to back and I had severe SPD but I managed. You've just got to be well supported when you are giving birth to avoid pressure on the pelvis :hug:
I had a friend who's baby was back to back at 37 weeks...her MW advised her to get on all fours and rock her hips from side to side adn the gravity should let your baby drop into your bump more so they have room to turn around easier and then they are more likely to turn front to back.

I don't know how true that is but she did it and it worked for her
xjoann said:
EDIT:: Does anyone know any sites I can go to for information on back to back? I just did a google search and it came up with nothing! I just really want to get as much information I can about it and tips on how to get Aimee to turn around.

This one


It does cover how to get baby into good birthing position.

Also simple things like going on all fours and rocking back and forth. Using a birthing ball and doing the same, making sure you keep your hips higher than your knees. Actually doing this all the time when sitting is good. Slouching on a sofa for example isn't good and encourages baby into a back to back position. Sit up straight or lean forward slightly and hips higher than knees.

Hope it helps :)
I had SPD in my first pregnancy and labour was back to back. I got through it ok.....with no c ection in sight.

You will be ok chick :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi Joann,

My advice would be to try everything you can to get LO in the right position. My first was back to back, it was pretty awful and I did end up having an emergency c/section but the 2nd and this one were/are fine. When I look back my first pregnancy was pretty different in the respect that I was sitting down most of the time at a desk at work, and at home I had more time to rest too. I've spent a much bigger proportion of the last two pregnancies upright and crawling on floors cleaning up/ dealing with kids; it really has made all the difference!!!

It'll likely be more difficult with SPD (my friend had it with her 1st and I know it was agony for her) but I'd recommend getting all the info. you can.

Good luck and all the best,
Oh no sorry to hear this hope she turns around in time for you! :hug: :hug: :hug:

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