Had my midwife appointment today. Everything was fine, babys heartbeat good and im measuring right
She also said she thinks baby has moved down abit
Oh and baby is no longer back to back
Today she told me that the guidelines for BMI and homebirth had changed and that my BMI is now above the guideline since it changed
She asked me if I wanted to go and see the consultant where he would discuss it with me further or did I just want to go ahead with homebirth anyway and not bother seeing the consultant. I said I didn't want to see the consultant and she agreed that it was pointless me going anyway. So im still having my homebirth so far if baby dosen't come before 38 weeks
They are briniging my homebirth stuff to my house in two weeks
Seems so close now
Nathan had already been born at this stage in my last pregnancy
Ohh and my ticker moves to the last baby in two days

Today she told me that the guidelines for BMI and homebirth had changed and that my BMI is now above the guideline since it changed

Seems so close now