Midwife appointment - 35 weeks 2 days


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2005
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Had my midwife appointment today. Everything was fine, babys heartbeat good and im measuring right :) She also said she thinks baby has moved down abit :D Oh and baby is no longer back to back :cheer: :cheer:

Today she told me that the guidelines for BMI and homebirth had changed and that my BMI is now above the guideline since it changed :? She asked me if I wanted to go and see the consultant where he would discuss it with me further or did I just want to go ahead with homebirth anyway and not bother seeing the consultant. I said I didn't want to see the consultant and she agreed that it was pointless me going anyway. So im still having my homebirth so far if baby dosen't come before 38 weeks :cheer: They are briniging my homebirth stuff to my house in two weeks :cheer:

Seems so close now :shock: Nathan had already been born at this stage in my last pregnancy :shock: Ohh and my ticker moves to the last baby in two days :cheer: haha
great news hun

hope all works out for your homebirth x
Ooo good for you and not bothering with the consultant. Doom and gloom that they are. You know your body and are happy with homebirth so trust your instincts :)

My BMI was higher plus big baby and I loved my homebirth :) I'll opt for one again in a heartbeat if we have a second baby.

Fingers crossed your LO arrives on time for homebirth :D
awww hun that sounds like the perfect middy visit happy for you hun
and glad to hear your baby as moved of your back :dance: i know how painful b t b monkeies can be :hug:

sarah :wave:
Good news!

I had was referred to an anaethetist and an obstrician (sp?) late on into my pregnancy due to my high BMI and wish I hadn't gone, it was horrible. I definitely think you have made the right decision, you know your own body and how you deal with things.

Good luck with getting your home birth!

Valentine Xxx
Thanks :D

Im getting excited now at the thought of my homebirth :cheer: Trying not to get my hopes up too much for it incase baby comes early or something else means I can't have one but so far everything is going well :cheer:
Sounds like a good appointment. Hope you get the homebith you want. xxxx :cheer:
Thats all fab news and i really hope you manage to have the homebirth and this baby stays put for at least another 3 weeks :hug: :hug:

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