midwife app


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2008
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Went to midwife this morning. She said pink stuff was probably a slight leak of my waters but nothing to worry about as it has stopped.

Booked in for a sweep on sunday and if that doesnt work then booked for induction on tuesday.

At last the end is in sight i guess, just hope it happens by itself. x
well i decided im not gonna wait around for nature to take her course. Im going to give her a gentle helping hand.

Starting with some brisk uphill walking, followed by some spicey taccos and pinapple for desert, and finally a bit of naughties to finish off the day.

Hope OH enjoys the taccos and pinapple (8 per day as per the reccomended dose!) as i have a feeling this will be our staple diet untill baby decideds to show. :rotfl:
Hope it works hun, I've been trying the pineapple, walking and spicy food to no avail but I'm still trying. :D

I'm getting a sweep on Wednesday and I'm praying it works, good luck for yours. :hug:
morning fellow overduers lol, i got the midwife this afternoon she is going to book me in for a sweep so fingers crossed it all starts happening for us soon :D
sex sex sex sex sex is best thing for starting labour off same horomone what starts labour off is found in sperm men do have some use then :lol: :lol: :lol:
with my last i had a sweep next day he was out well i actually had 2 sweeps m/w said u will prob have a bit of spotting but i had quite alot so went to hosp that night and with them feeling about it was like another sweep m/w said i will see you tomorrow morning and she was sure right :D
chaz84 said:
sex sex sex sex sex is best thing for starting labour off same horomone what starts labour off is found in sperm men do have some use then :lol: :lol: :lol:

Apparently if you don't feel up to sex swallowing it has the same effect :wink: :oops: :lol:

Good luck! :cheer:
never heard of that but sure a man may have come up with that one :lol:

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