middle names


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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Are middle names really important. My little girl has one but I cant think of any this time.

We chose Warren for a boy and Natasha for a girl.

I thought of Warren James but I cant make up my mind. The surmane will be Fenton.
I think that because your first child has a MN it would be nice to give this child one too. I really like Warren James but if not you could maybe have:

Warren Christopher
Warren Nathaniel
Warren Samuel
Warren Benjamin
Warren Oliver
Warren Lee

Natasha Louise
Natasha Annalise
Natasha Rose
Natasha Mae
Natasha Grace
Natasha Jayne
Natasha Marie
Natasha Jade
Natasha Elouise
Natasha Rhianne
Natasha Leanne

If not why don't you use either yours or your OH's name or MN name or someone else's from your family.
I don't have a middle name and always felt my mother couldn't be bothered to think of one so for me they are important but if it isn't important to you thats what counts
I don't have a middle name and used to feel left out in school because all the other girls had them.

I like Warren James Fenton best for a boy.
For a girl Louise, Mae and Marie sound best as middle names IMO. I think it's always a lot easier to find middle names for a girl :D
warren James is a jewellers around here, thought i recognised the name!!

i wanted Jam to have a middle name so we named him after Brad Pitt lol :rotfl:

girls are much easier to get middle names for, hope u find one u like!!
I like Warren James Fenton.. :D

For girls I'd say Natasha May is nice, Louise goes well with it (in fact Louise seems to go with just about every girls name) :D
I dont have a middle name and to be honest I always liked the fact I didn't have one, I felt different (in a good way) to everyone else.
My older brother has one and he hates it, so its not always good!!!
If you cant think of one then dont have one.
If we have a boy, we want its middle name to be Leslie because both our grandad's were called that and my grandad only died in March, so it will be for him.
I know its not the best name but it has meaning!!!
P.s I think Warren James is a jewellers!!
All our middle names (my sister, brothers', hubby and general family) are names of dead relatives, like mine is Sarah after my great grandma who died just before I was born. I think it's nice as it's in memory of them.

If I have a boy it will be Cecil after my great uncle or Lawrence after my husband's grandfather.
The middle name for ours will be whichever of our first names, depending on if it's a boy or girl. It's just something that runs in my family, so my middle name is Frances as it's my moms first name.. our little ones middle name will either be Michelle or Nathanael depending on gender.
Just thought it's a nice idea, I don't know who first came up with the idea in my family, it's been going on for generations!
do u hav anyone u wanna name after? i think often middle names are chosen this way. my little girl is named after her late grandmother on her dads side (her middle name is)
Yeah we have a jewellers called 'Warren James' too! We had trouble picking our sons middle name too so he has DHs middle name. Much easier and it means something to us also.

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