Mid life crisis????


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2006
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I dont know if anyone else has experienced this but i feel like since having Kaiden my OH has been having a mid life crisis at 27!! Hes acting like a teenager, wanting to go play footy every other night, saying hes going to the gym 1st thing in the morning, and having his mates round all the time. Hes always saying just coz ive got Kaiden doesnt mean my lifes gotta end! but he never bothered with this kinda stuff before we had him. Hes doin my head in with it as hes never here to help with Kaiden and he already works 60+ hours a week. I never get a minute to myself now, hes annoyed that he has to take him on a tuesday (his day off) so i can go to work, said to me what if i wanna go play golf, i was like well we have Kaiden now, you can go on a Sunday, I never get time to do any of my old hobbies so whats he moaning about, i feel like a single parent, and im feeling megga stressed out. Especially as he says i havent to work weekends coz hes only 27 and aint staying in watching a baby every weekend whats he on? aaaaghhhhhh XkelX
What a moron. He needs to buck his ideas up babe. Sounds like basically it's sunk in that he's a father and he's rebelling against the role and responsibilites that come with it. When he plays the "I'm only 27" card again remind him that his age has nothing to do with anything. He made a commitment to grow up and act responsibly when you and he decided to have a child. Ask him how he's feel if you and his roles were reversed. Just because you gave birth to your son it doesn't mean that you automatically have to put up with all this poo and he can swan around doing whatever he pleases in his free time. I don't believe in gender stereotypes. Responsibility for your son is 50/50. Tell him to sort himself out or you'll be gone. Doesn't sound like you'd be much worse off without him anyway!! Hopefully this should shock him enough to change his ways. Thats what I'd do!!

Good luck xx
Thanks dont u worry ive been and gone several times he bucks up for a week or so then goes back to acting like that, he already got another son whos 9 from a previous relationship who we dont get to see anymore, but when we i 1st met him he had him 3 times a week over night and did everything from him. But thats coz my OHs mum didnt look after him properly so he had to step up. I cant wait to go back to work so i can say look im working too now so get yer toushy in gear. Last night he went to bed at 2pm after smoking pot all night, then had the cheek to say hes slept in for work and cant feed kaiden his breakie, i went off my head, told him he was already late so he better do it, he did reluctantly. XKelX
Eek. Drugs in the same house as a baby too?! :shock:
Hey hunnie, sounds like you are having a really s*** time with your OH at the minute....you need to borrow budge's tuna and give him a damn good hard slap with it. He needs to wake up to his responsibilities....and what's with him smoking pot in the same house as a baby? That's just wrong. He obviously isn't thinking about you or your baby and its time he did, you deserve better than that. God men irritate me sometimes, they can be so thoughtless and behave like children...infact children are better behaved than men most of the time... :x ..Have you got anyone you can trust to look after your LO while you go and have a bit of time to yourself? If you started behaving like him I'm sure he'd have something to say about it.... :x
What a tw@t - sorry but if that was my hubby i'd be packing his bags, and tell him that he obviously doenst want anything to do with you and his son so he can move out and live the single life.

My hubby is 28 (just) and he will take ewan for the day, or have him for an evening whilst i go to my local band. Tom will get him up in the morning or put him to bed.

This guy isn't acting like a responsible dad at all.

Sorry if it was a bit harsh. but he needs to grow up!

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