Mid Cycle Spotting After miscarriage


New Member
Dec 30, 2008
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hi all, i am new to this forum :)

I had a miscarriage in August at about 6-7 weeks. I started to get ovulation type of discharge, then started bleeding like crazy. I believe their was a relationship between ovulation time and the miscarriage, but I've never found any information on this. If anyone knows anything pleaseee share. thanks

Since then, Ive had regular periods, my first ovulation was normal (thick clear discharge which I have always got my whole life at ovulation time). But for the past 4 months, at ovulation time, I have been having some bleeding and spotting and really thin discharge, usually with blood stained in it.

I have been to the doctor a couple of times and they cant tell me anything.

I really want to TTC now but I dont know if there is something wrong with me. :(
welcome to the forum honey, i'm sorry for your loss. :hug:

i had a miscarriage in november- its hard to compare because the pregnancy wasnt planned i was actually on the pill- i'd just had my first "perfect" withdrawal bleed in october (after going back on the pill after breastfeeding my withdrawal bleeds were all over the place until october) i thought yay, finally back to normal. then 2 weeks after the october "period" i started spotting on and off. and on my november "period" i bled only lightly for one day, then nothing the next day, then again on the third say. i thought somethings wierd here so tested and BFP! the spotting continued and unfortunately led to a miscarriage. looking back tho the spotting had started around the time of conception- possibly even just before.

since the m/c i havent gone back on the pill i am using NFP contraception, and my body is behaving itself! i just had my first natural period, it was "textbook" and no spotting now its finished.

good luck with TTC, i shall be doing in february hopefully too! :hug:
So sorry for your loss hun :hug:

I have no pearls of wisdom regarding your intermittent bleeding as I've yet to have a normal cycle after my m/c a few weeks ago.

Good luck with ttc. We've decided to start trying straight away.


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