Microgynon - conception ?


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2012
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Similar to luckyluckys thread, different drug!

I've not been on it long, only about 5months actually (was on the implanon implant before but had it out due to a FIVE stone weight gain!!) I want to start TTC in two months,
I'm currently on my week off the microgynon and am in two minds on whether or not to bother starting the next packet. If I did, I'd still have a good 7weeks till early jan, is that enough time to get regular? Or will I need these extra 4weeks??

I know nothing about ovulation times/fertility testing etc, I've not had children before!!


I've done a bit of research on this as I am currently on the pill too (Cilest) my last 6 month prescription finishes on 2nd December, I'll then have what would be my week break. I've heard loads of stories from ladies who start ttc straight away i.e after the week off and have got pregnant. Apparently coming off the pill gives a surge of hormones and high fertility rate so me and the OH are going to start as soon as.

I guess it depends when you want to get pg...

Good Luck and Keep me posted! x
Thanks Amy :) I've decided not to take my November pack and TTC around the 25th as AF might be due around the 16th but that all depends on if y cycle mimics the one I've had on the pill lol
Who knows!!

I want to conceive after my holiday, I'm back on the 14thNov so I should have two cycles for the chance to give a BFP as an Xmas pressie for OH, whether im 2 or 6 weeks!

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