Mhairi has a cold - tips please!


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
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Mhairi has a snuffley runny nose and is a bit clingy today.

I'm loaded with the cold so it looks like she's caught it off me.

Can I please ask you for your tips on what you do when your wee one has a cold?


I would give lots of fluids. Make sure her bed is propped up and give her some Medised at bedtime to help dry up her nose and help her to sleep. Karvol helps too. Hope she is better soon. Lxx
Karvol is defintely worth it, also, if she a bit bunged up, you could stand with her in the bathroom, run the shower on HOT, and let the steam fill the room, this will help clear her a bit.

She's ok to have calpol too, it'll help her sleep which will do her (& you) the world of good :hug:
When Summer had a cold I did what emmylou said, I turned the shower on as hot as it would go and then sat in the bathroom with her and then I gave her a bath. The steam and the bath defo helped. I also got some vapo rub stuff from boots, you can get one for 3 month olds so I took the lid off and left it near her.
Adam has a bad cold just now too and is very grumpy. He is too young for most things that could help so I have to stick with the steam, extra fluids and load of cuddles.

I hope you both feel better soon. :hug: :hug: :hug:
I useda oil burner with eucalyptus oil in it when Matilda had her cold, put it in the room before she went to bed and this helped.
I feel sorry for those of you who have babies with a cold!
It was horrible when Summer had a cold, I felt so helpless!
I know, it's horrible isn't it! She can't eat properly coz of her blocked up nose :( :(

Thanks for the tips everyone!

I have one of those nose clearers, but every time I go near her with it she throws me a NOT ON YOUR NELLIE look and starts throwing her head about! :rotfl: :rotfl:
I keep going to buy a nose clearer but I'm way to squimish when it comes to boogies. I do pick her nose but the thought of emptying one of them things full of boogers turns my stomach lol
Awww poor thing. We bought a Calpol plug in thingie for his room it's a nightlight too and it seemed to help a little bit!

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