Metallic taste in mouth.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2010
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I had this horrible taste in my mouth this morning but only for a few mins before it started "fading". I know this is a symptom of PG but does it count if it only lasts a short while?

Also, (maybe TMI) my nipples were erect for about 10 - 15 mins this morning even though I wasn't cold - had a t-shirt and dressing gown on. Odd?

Edited to add - Metallic taste tasted like blood. I thought (maybe silly of me) it was from where I'd been cuddling our dog!!! LOL.
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Hi Miss July 10!

I have read your other posts and think the signs are looking good for you.

The metal taste tastes like blood because it is caused by the iron in your blood so thats normal.

I have my fingers crossed for you- good luck and babydust!:dust::dust::dust::dust: x
Hi, thank you, I'm just trying very hard to be calm and nonchalant about it, I really don't want to be disappointed! I can tell my DH is very excited but also trying to be calm and cool. I do have a spare ClearBlue but tested negative a few days ago and it's thrown me off lol.
MissJuly, i really really hope you're pregnant!

I've been there with all the sympoms and you really have to try to be more rational because i'm so scared for you that you are going to have a hell of a time if you don't get a BFP.

You seem to be putting yourself in a very vulnerable frame of mind.

Signs are really good for you, but nothing is conclusive until you get your BFP and miss your AF.

Don't mean to put a damper on it all, just trying to reign you in a little :)

Fingers crosssed for you
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i honestly had every sign under the sun this month and i got a BFN on clearblue digital, it has taught me a lesson because i was convinced a week ago that i was preggers, i had the metal taste, sore boobs, spotting after OV nausea, back ache and now im sure this isn't my month after many BFNs and AF due on sunday. its so hard to not listen to your body but like LouiseB said we need to try and keep a level head about it otherwise its so disappointing. next month im not listening to any body signs after all the tricks my bod played on me this month!! i really really hope it is your month though!! xxxx
I completely agree, I'm just trying to make notes though so I can keep an eye on it. I've had no AF for....what, 5/6 weeks now. I've already told hubby that I'm not walking around thinking I'm definitely PG, I'm actually quite calm about it all. Even if I do jump at every change in me, it's only because it's never happened and is different - I'm bound to feel suspicious about it.

I also don't have any urge to POAS, I'm quite happy to wait another week or 2.

All I'm doing is asking opinions, which are very appreciated. :)
Just to let you know, about 4 days before my bfp, I got a metallic taste in my mouth, but it only lasted a few hours, then was gone. Really didnt think anything of it coz it was so quick!

Good luck and baby dust to you! :dust:
Thank you! :)

I'm definitely going to wait another week or so before re-testing, just so I can give AF a bit more time to decide if she's coming or not lol. My sister has been fab, advising me etc but at the same time, not getting excited as she knows that I'm actually being quite laidback about it all as I see no point getting high hopes.

hi missjuly10 i didnt realise you were late for AF!!? i know how hard it is to ignore the constantly analysing i dont think we can stop ourselves, i just took my bra off and had really heavy boobs and am exhausted and of course im thinking maybe im wrong and i am preggers, didnt mean to be negative xxxx
Hi Missjuly10

I really dont want to say anything against it being a symptom, as I am sure it is and that you are pregnant.

but thought you might like to know that I have been experiencing a strong metallic taste that lasts several hours and i've worked out it's a side effect of spending too long on my laptop! If I work for several hours straight then I have a metalic taste for the rest of the night, it's usually gone by morning, but comes back quite quickly if i am back on my laptop as soon as i get up. I looked it up and it's not uncommon, do you use a laptop or a regular computer?

On the otherhand I have only had this laptop a month and maybe I'm just pregnant too and the baby doesnt like the new laptop ;-)
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hi missjuly10 i didnt realise you were late for AF!!? i know how hard it is to ignore the constantly analysing i dont think we can stop ourselves, i just took my bra off and had really heavy boobs and am exhausted and of course im thinking maybe im wrong and i am preggers, didnt mean to be negative xxxx

Yep, late around 5-6 weeks now lol. Not testing for another week or two just to give it a little more time.

I know what you mean, I'm always wondering but over the past couple of days, I've stopped, trying to calm myself down lol.

Still no sign of AF though! That's totally ok, I didn't take it as negativity at all. :)
Hi Missjuly10

I really dont want to say anything against it being a symptom, as I am sure it is and that you are pregnant.

but thought you might like to know that I have been experiencing a strong metallic taste that lasts several hours and i've worked out it's a side effect of spending too long on my laptop! If I work for several hours straight then I have a metalic taste for the rest of the night, it's usually gone by morning, but comes back quite quickly if i am back on my laptop as soon as i get up. I looked it up and it's not uncommon, do you use a laptop or a regular computer?

On the otherhand I have only had this laptop a month and maybe I'm just pregnant too and the baby doesnt like the new laptop ;-)

..Definitely not due to laptop! :shock: LOL.

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