Hi Ladies,
I just wanted to let you know why Ive been quiet over the past week or so, Ive not forgotten you lovely girlies!!!
Sorry for creating a thread all about ME but it was the easiest way to message all the ladies I usually reply to and reply to me, Ive felt bad because I havent been able to keep up and send you support. I am so grateful for the support I have had and hope it will continue but I wont be on here as much as I initially was because the OH spoke to me at the weekend and said he felt like I was getting too stressed which was having an impact on us.
I dont know what it is and why I started acting irrational but I know hes right, even when he was saying it I got really humpy with him, I just got my hopes up so much last month.
I found this site for some advice because I thought I was pregnant last month and learnt all about the 2ww and BD and OV (and everything else that involves conceiving a bundle of joy) and during that period I realised how happy I would be to become a mother. At that time me and the OH werent actively trying, we just werent preventing after I come and the pill and still not. OH knew about the scare as we done the test together and we had the talk and come to the conclusion it would be something we really wanted from the relationship. So after he said he would be happy to become a father I ran with it and became a bit nymp like
. My OH is very laid back and I got wrapped up in the whole TTC process and I think its freaked him out. He knows I want to become a mother and he says all the right things to me and says he wants the same but I think Ive just applied too much pressure and its scared him a bit. I was so upset after getting AF after 8 days of no show I dont think he liked seeing me so disappointed.
On the positive side Im thinking (hoping) he has something up his sleeve that will make me want to put TTC on hold, like a BFR (Big Fat Ring)!!! Weve talked about marriage and I joked over the weekend (after the serious talk) that we should just do it - it was our 2 year anniversary, but he said he wanted to propose to me properly so will have to watch this space.
I know he is right so I just going to take a back seat for the time being and start having fun with my OH again, will try and pop in once or twice a week to say hello
so please dont think Ive stopped caring (bit weird because I dont really know you but I hope you understand what I mean). I really hope you all get your BFP soon, I know how much youve all worked at it!! 
Tara xxxxxxxxxxx
I just wanted to let you know why Ive been quiet over the past week or so, Ive not forgotten you lovely girlies!!!
Sorry for creating a thread all about ME but it was the easiest way to message all the ladies I usually reply to and reply to me, Ive felt bad because I havent been able to keep up and send you support. I am so grateful for the support I have had and hope it will continue but I wont be on here as much as I initially was because the OH spoke to me at the weekend and said he felt like I was getting too stressed which was having an impact on us.
I dont know what it is and why I started acting irrational but I know hes right, even when he was saying it I got really humpy with him, I just got my hopes up so much last month.
I found this site for some advice because I thought I was pregnant last month and learnt all about the 2ww and BD and OV (and everything else that involves conceiving a bundle of joy) and during that period I realised how happy I would be to become a mother. At that time me and the OH werent actively trying, we just werent preventing after I come and the pill and still not. OH knew about the scare as we done the test together and we had the talk and come to the conclusion it would be something we really wanted from the relationship. So after he said he would be happy to become a father I ran with it and became a bit nymp like

On the positive side Im thinking (hoping) he has something up his sleeve that will make me want to put TTC on hold, like a BFR (Big Fat Ring)!!! Weve talked about marriage and I joked over the weekend (after the serious talk) that we should just do it - it was our 2 year anniversary, but he said he wanted to propose to me properly so will have to watch this space.
I know he is right so I just going to take a back seat for the time being and start having fun with my OH again, will try and pop in once or twice a week to say hello

Tara xxxxxxxxxxx