message for lucy and pips :0)


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2005
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Hi you 2 :D

Ok been thinking about our meet how about thursday the 29th of june at my house? I know you said lucy that you would ba able to pick pips up so if thats still ok. Pips if you got the train into Motherwell as i remeber u said that you could get the train from Edinburgh to Motherwell and If Lucy could pick you up from their and you both came to my house.
Its just i will have to have Adele as the OH is working extra hours for money so working most of the weekends and i really dont fancy taking Adele out as its so much hassle with the 2 of them and that way Adele can just play in the garden or whatever and i could make us something nice for lunch that way its not costing much. Let me know what yous think.
If its not convienent then if yous arrange a date and place then im more than happy to try and make it along,

Hope to hear from yous soon
Jean & girls
Hi Jean

Sorry I missed your MSN, DH was on the laptop and didn't tell me there was a message :roll:

That sounds like a plan, only thing is Pips do you have a car seat?

Lucy x
hi hun its no

If pips doesnt have one i have 2 a backwards facing one and forward facing one zoe may be a little small for the forward one but if she doesnt then she can borrow colbys.

Just on our way ut now had to feed

speak to you soon xxx
hi girls!

thanks for your message jean. if things go according to plan (lecturers don't strike or sth) then the 29th is fine!

you're right lucy, i don't have a car seat (have two in france doh! lol), i dont know if you can sort that with jean...

and its very kind of you to invite us jean. i'm really looking forward to it :D
plus i'll be feeling better as exams should be over :dance:

lucy can we exchange our msn addresses? i will pm you mine and you can add it if you like

hope you both had a lovely afternoon
anyway chat soon!
pip and zoé xxxxx
hello again, ok seeing as you dont have a car seat pips if Lucy doesnt mind picking Colbys up then thats fine with me :D

Its either that or we just all meet in Motherwell somewher its up to yous guys, im not fussed either way really

so yous can let me know and then we can arrange times ect

Take care
Hi ladies!

Jean, I'll pm you, need to find out how far you live from Motherwell, Larkhall and my house then can see if it's possible to pick up the car seat then go to Motherwell to pick up Pips etc.

Speak to you soon

Lucy x
hi girls just to let u both know

OH is taking Adele to the park then his mums so its all sorted

so we are as planned i will meet pips at the station around 1, will walk round to the car park (oh yeah lucy if their isnt any spaces at that car park cos normally its full during the week even if u just park at the aqua tech it will be much easier to get parked in, its just as u go round u wont miss it) we will meet lucy and walk up to wetherspoons :)

Ok are we having lunch just so i know wether to eat before going or (dont want to be sitting eating if yous guys aint)

and then after i will walk back to the station with pips and then walk down to OH mums as its only 10 mins walk down the hill.

so monday the 19th at 1pm if things change for somereason just let ud know

Take care and lookingh forward to seeing yous then :D

Hope yous dont mind im going to take the camrea to get some pics of the girls together if thats ok :D
Hello !

Looks like our plans are finalised then :)

Yeah, I'll be having lunch as well Jean, how about you Pips?

See you on 19th!

I'll bring my camera along as well!
im getting all
:dance: :dance:

Cant believe were finally going to meet after months and months of talking about it. Wetherspoons isnt anything great but the food is ok and its pretty cheep too.

Just hope Colby wont be too grumpy as she has her second jabs on the 14th but she was fine last time so hopefully she will be fine this time too.

see yous soon luv us


p.s lucy i was saying to pips the other night that i was going to bring Adeles first photo with me and her lil dress she came home in, its so tiny and i love showing it off (its like a tiny dolls dress) so hope you dont mind

speak soon
yes i'm having lunch as well. hey, wasn't that what we were meeting up for in the first place?

i'm really looking forward to it, it should be great and relaxing mid exams...

jean do bring calpol with you or sth for colby just in case, zoe was fine for her 1st jabs but not for the 2nd lot, you never know

and i too will bring my camera, wouldnt miss such sweet pics with such lovely babies

see you very soon xxx
hey girls! not long now... really happy about the meeting :D

was wondering if you two minded me inviting another young mum. she was at my ante natal classes and we get on great! havent seen her for a while but she phoned tonight, and i thought it could be great if she came! do you mind??

she has a wee girl (still all girls) who was born early march

let me know xxx
Hi honey

I don't mind at all, the more the merrier!

See you Monday!

Lucy x
Hi lucy & pips

Just to finalise everything before the big day :dance:

ok am i still meeting you pips and your friend at the station at 1pm? Lucy do u know where to meet us at that car park or are you just going to the other one i was talking about? If you get their a little earlier lucy and u dont want to be stood at a car park just walk back round to the station as i will be there prob about ten to 1 incase trains are early or late anyway try reply to this asap incase we need to re arrange things

Take care all hope it will be a nice day as its raining here now :roll:

speak to yous soon luv us
sorry i missed your message jean my computers been on the blink AGAIN! and i dont even know if you will get this

we arrive around 12.25 me thinks, so we will go somewhere whilst we're waiting for you guys (if its raining like today)
and we'll meet jean around 1 in front of station
jean, you still got my number in case?

really looking forward to tomorrow
tc xxx
hi pips i will be leaving here around 12.30 so will be atteh station before 1 anyaway. lucy is just meeting us inside wetherspoons so will see u at the front of the station take care

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