Message for happychick


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2007
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Hi hon, i was just wondering if you ever did anything about your bad back/pelvic girdle pain? I have woken up today in agony, I can barely move!!! Did you mention it to your midwife/gp? What did they say?

Hey hun, Sorry only just spotted this :)

Yeah my midwife kinda said it was tough luck lol so I went to see my GP armed with the info I had printed off the internet and he has referred me for physio, im just waiting for an appointment at the moment.

I've found lying on my side in the recovery positionis the most comfortable for me, its really really painful though isnt it I know how ur feeling. My GP also said that it was ok to take co-codamol and they help lots more than paracetamol so it might be worth trying them.

:hug: :hug:
Thanks hon. I've just spoken to the dr who is also going to refer me to physio but i expect that'll take about 3 months!!!! Do you sleep with pillows? does it help at all? I've just had a long bath and it feels a bit easier. The pain goes all the way up my right hand side too. I will take cocodamol as the paracetamol don't seem to be doing anything!!

My doc said to ring back if I hadn't heard in 2 weeks as he was putting it was urgent. Yeah a bath helps but make sure its not too hot cos of baby :)

I've tried with pillows but haven't been able to sleep with em there haha they just annoy me. Takes a good while but I can usually find a way to get comfortable most nights but some are really bad where I cant even get in bed and end up sat on sofa feeling sorry for myself all night!

Try to not do any lifting at all, also don't bend over and pick things up or put any strain on your back. Sit down when putting on shoes, trousers, underwear etc. I cant do any cleaning really as thats one thing that really does make it loads worse.

Hope that helps chick? :)
Thanks Jo, not bending or lifting is a bit of a problem as I have a 2 year old and a 6 year old so seem to spend most of my life lifting or picking stuff up from the floor. I'm going to have to be stroppy mother and make them do it. And if they don't, well I shall just ....... cry! which is what I've been doing most of the day. I feel like a hormonal wreck today. Also I feel so lazy, the dishwasher is still unempied, the washing is still in the machine. Everything is so low down!!!!!

I know how u feel, my house is constantly a tip and my OH has to come home from work and clean it up :( I feel so bad but I just cant do it without crippling myself.

Try to limit the bending when its bad then if you can, I've found that when its bad if I dont rest it then it just stays the same, so plenty of rest for u lady! hehe

Hopefully when we see physiotherapist they will help with some ways to manage the pain and some exercises to help prevent it getting worse maybe? I havent a clue really but I hope they can perform miracles ;) haha

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