Merina questions......sorry!


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2009
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Ok, I had the merina fitted at the start of November and I haven't stopped bleeding since :bang: Sorry for tmi but some days it's like a full on period, other days just heavy spotting. And three occassions now that's been like a proper period but heavier. I know they said 3-6 months before things settle down but jeese this is frustrating! I'm starting to wonder if it will ever stop!
I'm not sure if there's any answers, what are your experiences? Is this normal or am I going to bleed to death here?! :shock:
I think I remember spotting on and off for a few weeks after having the Mirena fitted and then having 3 years of no periods at all!!
Just waiting to have mine fitted once I have my 6 week check up, best contraception I have used.
Hi I before TTC I had been using Mirena coil for 12 years as I have Endometriosis and I LOVED IT!

However I had the first one put in place in Jan after an emergency op and I bled till the May pretty much constantly BUT then I had NO preiods for the rest of the 12 years I used it so when I have this baby Im getting it back in I loved it that much!

So hopefuly its just things settling down and your should soon have nothing at all xxx
Thank you!! I really needed to hear that! It gets so frustrating and a bit uncomfortable down there. I'm really hoping it calms down soon and very aware of persisting with it as this is quite common. :)
i bled when mine went in for about 8 weeks on n off n then nothing till it came out! :)

goodluck n hang in there x
Sounds hopeful!!! Not a day has gone by without some sort of bleeding, maybe spotting at one part of the day and proper bleeding the other. I suppose it's only coming up 7 weeks since I had mine fitted, although it feels a lot longer than that!! Thanks for replying girls. It's difficult to know what is normal and not from reading the info booklet, and I'm done with googling!!
My friend said she only bleed for 2/3 weeks but I've had mine in for nearly 3 weeks and it's still like a heavy period! The doctor never said how long you bleed for!
I have had 3 Marina coils. First one I had no bleeding, no problems, second one I bled for a few weeks and caught a nasty womb infection but it cleared up. 3rd one I bled for months, so much so it fell out and I got pregnant!!
I'm still gonna get another one tho coz once they settle they are brilliant xx
Toon I actually had a dream the night before last that it was falling out! That morning I kept thinking I must phone the clinic! Just as well I checked before I did.
The doctor told me to expect a period for like two weeks or so, and erratic bleeding thereafter. Our plan was 3-5 years until TTC again, but my OH seems to have changed his mind on that one. I hope it settles down sometime before we think about having it removed, maybe a year.

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