

Well-Known Member
May 9, 2011
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I told my oh that he could work on a car yesterday as long as I got him today! Simple request in my eyes as hardly seen him all week as he has been working til about some nights and me the others. So he had to go to his parents house this morning to tidy up his tools from yesterday as he didn't finish that until 10!

So he has just phoned to tell me he is on his way home and I heard a voice in the background, it was his cousin, who hangs around him all the time now since he split with his gf. And he is coming back up here with him! What happened to our day together :(

I am now quite pissed off now, but what can u say when he has already been invited round! Just wish my oh would think sometimes just really wanted a day of him all to myself xxx
Men are so thoughtless :-( maybe say something when they get home to his cousin like its nice to see him but you and oh have romantic lunch plans, that way he could stay for a couple of hours but there is a clear end time for him to leave? Xxx
I wish that was possible but his cousin doesn't drive and lives 20min drive away! I just know I'm stuck with him here all day! I don't mind it sometimes just wish today wasn't one of them. He was with my oh all day yesterday too xx
I think with men you have to break things down and make things easier to understand - I reckon, as far as he is concerned, he is with you like you requested. He doesn't see that you wanted him all to yourself....

I find it different having to tell my OH absolutely everything just so he understands, it is soooo frustrating


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