memory loss stories


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2008
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hiya all :wave: i had a really scary freaky moment of memory loss this morning and i thought it would be nice to hear whats been going on with other peoples memorys too :D

i completely lost the plot this morning and lost my memory. up until now i've been copeing ok. normally my forgetfulness has only gone as far as forgetting to pick things up when shopping or forgetting to take my phone when i go out or occasionally i'll have to be reminded when driving where i am going as sometimes i forget for a few seconds. but this morning has got to be the worst so far. i actually forgot what day it was. i woke up convinced it was monday and panicked as i have a midwife appointment monday morning but not sure on the time. i realised i hadn't even checked or set my alarm to get up and i thought i had overslept so i dived out of bed checked the time grabbed my notes checked the time of my appointment and i was just about to go and tell my mum the time when i heard my dad downstairs and realised it was saturday. my god how could i just forget the whole weekend. i'm a bit freaked out at that. i blame my mum as last night before bed she asked what time my appointment is on monday and i guess that was playing on my mind but to miss the whole weekend out and go from friday to monday is so scary. should i be worried ? i feel so silly i haven't even told anyone what i did. i'm just glad i realised before i went and told my mum my appointment time and that we better get a move on or we'll miss it and made myself look like an idiot :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
:hug: :hug: bless ya! What was strange was that when i read your story i could see where it was going and thought 'oh no, she doesn't know its sunday'
:rotfl: so i'm not with it either!
Aww you're not alone! I've had one complete moment of madness other than the usual like you listed (mobile etc);

I went into our local shop to buy Heat magazine a couple of weeks ago, when I got there the lady serving said "oh you forgot this the other day!" and handed me the same copy... Apparently I had bought it but forgot to pack it with my other stuff!

When I got home I told my mum and step dad and joked because I genuinely thought they had the wrong person and I was saying that my hormones are rubbing off on people and my step dad said "no, I remember you saying 'sh*t, I forgot to pick up my Heat mag' so it WAS you" - :shock: I thought he was having me on!!

Since going back in the shop, the lady who served me the day I forgot it has joked with me and is adament it WAS me because she remembers serving me... WIERD!!


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