Membrane Sweep

Charlotte & Emily

Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2006
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I saw MW today and she said if i havent gone into labour by monday i can have a membrane sweep,
has anyone had one? does it hurt?

I havent had this done, but what ive read is that it is a little uncomfy and might have some spotting afterwards.
Im sure somone else can tell you in detail so i dont make a mistake
I had one. It didn't work for me but wasn't painful.

A little uncomfortable perhaps but it's part and parcel to be poked around down there at the end of pregnancy I'm afraid :wink:

Sending you labour dust :D
I had one of these with my last boy i was quite late and had the sweep when i was about 9 days overdue, i did not find it painful, it was just a little uncomfortable as minxy said but within 48hrs it worked for me , i didn't think it would as the 1st 24 hours nothing but then the next night i went to the toilet and had a show, so i would go for it, worked wonders for me and really isn't painful.....Good luck :hug:
Thanks girl :D

my MW said it sounds promising that i should go into labour at anytime as im having quite a lot of strong signs. Hopefully it should be anytime this week.

I want to have the sweep, its i live in a rough(ish) area and my doctors surgery is full of drug addicts and fear the hygiene :?
I had one and it is quite sore but its over quick enough. I was the same as paula really, nothing for the first 24 hours then the next day i had a show and my water broke and he was born 48 hours after having it done.
Good luck with it,hope it happens naturally before for you though :hug:

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