Mei tai carrier or woven wrap?


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2007
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I'm looking for some sling advice.. I think the one that I really want is a woven wrap sling, but I'm worried about how complicated it is to get on and off. Can anyone give me a rough idea of how hard it is (bearing in mind that it took me several attempts to contrsuct a simple ring sling!) and how long it took you to to become efficient at putting it on? And how long does it take to get on and off, would it not be useful if Oliver wanted to get in and out several times in a trip?

Also, can you use a mei tai for forward facing carries? I'm looking for something I can use facing forward now, but on my back later and that will last until he's a toddler... am I right in thinking that a wrap is my best option? I'd love to get both but my budget doesn't allow it at the moment!

Thanks for any advice.
I was housebound for most of third tri and did a lot of internet shopping :oops:
I find pouches feel least secure but I also don't think I'm wearing them 100% properly. I have a woven one and a slightly stretshy one (hotsling) but I don't use either.
I have a stretchy wrap (Moby) and we don't use it at all because it is just too hot for now. I think it will be great in winter though.
We have a Pikkolo by Catbirdbaby that we got for OH but has become my favourite carrier! It is like a mei tai but has buckles instead of ties. It's easy to put on and can be used front facing in, front facing out, on your back or on your hip. I love it! You have to take it mostly off to get baby out but that just means undoing 2 buckles - like the buckles that keep rucksacks closed, not like the ones on belts. There's a 3rd buckle round your waist.

I think different people prefer different carriers though. I decided to buy lots because the second hand market is so good from a selling point of view - they don't lose much in the way of value, only about £10, and if you buy 2nd hand and sell on you will only have to pay the postage, you'd get back the amount you spent by selling on again.

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