Medical Mgt v Natural MC


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2017
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Hi ladies just looking for some help with making a decision. As you might already know i had my 2nd mmc this week. Totally devasted and decided not to ttc anymore. I feel very lucky to have my 2 beautiful kids which is more than a lot of women so feel very fortunate. With 1st mmc i opted for mva as needed closure and wanted to start ttc quickly. I am trying to decide whether to go for medical mgt so i have a bit more control over when it happens as not knowing is increasing my anxiety incase im with kids or at work. I am worried, having read stories, that the MM route is much more painful than natural passing but would find other peoples experiences really helpful if you feel able to share them. I am waiting for EPAS to ring me to discuss so any thoughts or advice would be gratefully received. Thank you in advance as i know sharing your experiences might be painful x
I have no experience with either of these Melly but just wanted to send you some love again.

You're in my thoughts <3
So sorry this has happened for you again melly. I don&#8217;t have experience of mm as opted to pass naturally when I had my mmc. But I can honestly say it was just as painful though shorter than natural labour. Sorry I don&#8217;t want to scare you but wanted to be honest. But bear in mind everyone is different, hopefully someone else can offer some insight. Would you consider an mva again? Hope you&#8217;re looking after yourself x
Hi Melly, unfortunately I&#8217;m in the same position as you right now and have opted to wait for it to happen naturally, although if it takes a while I may opt for medical management. This is my third mc now and the second time that it has been classed as a mmc. With my first mmc I just wanted it over so I opted for medical management and for me personally I had no pain really. It took a couple of hours to start after taking the pessaries and then it was like a really heavy period to start off with and then turned into just a normal period and then spotting. I bled for about 7 days in total. If I need to I&#8217;d definitely have the medical management again, the only downside I found is that it took my cycles longer to get back normal than when I miscarried naturally, which is why I&#8217;m trying to wait it out this time. Whatever you choose I hope that it goes as well as it can and will be thinking of you xx
Thanks for your replies ladies. Sorry to hear about your loss CmyC and thay you are going through it currently lucy. Still waiting to talk to.someone at epas. I feel prepared for the potential pain but feel i need to have some control.over when it might happen. I prob will opt for MM as it doesnt matter if it takes a while for cycles to get back to normal as not planning to ttc again. Wishing you all the best and hope your journey through mc lucy is ok xx
I had medical mgt. I would opt for the same again if facing that decision. The midwife told me that the pregnancy could come away on its own but it could take up to a month. I couldn&#8217;t wait that long. The process was some tablets a couple of days apart and the second lot I stayed in the hospital to pass it and they checked it was complete. It took a few hours and I had some strong period cramps and sort of went to the toilet and it came away.

I&#8217;m sorry you&#8217;re faced with this decision xx
Thanks torino. Have booked in for monday then weds for MM. So hopefully the worst of it will be out the way by the end of next week x
Melly, thinking of you xx

So sorry you have to go through this again
Hope everything goes well xx
Hi Melly,
I'm so sorry. I had an MMC in May last year and the decision on what to do was so difficult. I initially decided I wanted to wait for it to happen naturally but after a weekend of thought I decided to opt for the surgical option. Having 2 young boys and a husband about to jet off to America so it was the best option for us. I did consider MM but for me it wasn't the right option.
I hope all goes well and sorry your going through this again x

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