Medical Management Miscarriage tomorrow.


Sep 20, 2013
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I found out after a private scan at 10w2d that I have had a missed miscarriage. This was confirmed yesterday at a nhs scan and I am booked in tomorrow for medical management as I haven't started bleeding and am measuring at 6w.

Am trying to get my head around things and am just looking to the future and trying to prepare myself for starting again.

I know I should wait at least until ive had a period but just wondering if anyone else been through this and how long did it take you afterwards to get pg again ?
Hi lovely. I am so sorry to hear this, it is heartbreaking! I had the same last December. Scan at 10 weeks due to a little bleeding, measuring 7 weeks.
I decided to wait for all to clear naturally but 1 week later nothing, so opted for medical managemenlayerdly this didn't work for me either so ended up needing the surgical option. All was fine in the end.
We started trying as soon as I felt ready, which was about 6 weeks later and I had had a period.
I would say at this point that I know all you want to do is start trying again as I did whilst going through it all, but dh wanted a few weeks to breathe, and I was glad of it!
We conceived at the end of march, so not long, and this time all is well. Tri 1 was such a worry though.
Will be thinking of you hun......hugs x x x

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Sending you hugs, I had a mmc 2 weeks ago at 9 weeks, but measured about 5 weeks. Ended up having a natural mc as I started bleeding an hour after I got home from hospital.

Usual advice is to start again after your first period so its easier for dating, however we've bd'd a couple times since I stopped bleeding. If it happens, it happens! Just hope it doesn't take us as long as it did first time around xx
Sorry for your loss :( there's a lady on here who had an erpc and then got pregnant from the ov straight after.

I think whenever you're mentally ready is the most important thing xxx
Sorry for your loss honey!! As the others have said its when your feeling ready!
Thanks for you replies and hugs :) I did think about the eprc but was so scared of being put to sleep. Just hope I don't end up having to have one anyway. Time just seems to slow down waiting for scans and appointments and dates. Think I need to just focus on gettin my body and mind prepared and see what happens. Sorry to hear of your losses too and I hope all goes well in the future, fingers crossed x x x

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