Medical management experiences


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2012
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Hello again everyone,
Seems ages since I was last here but it's really only a couple of weeks. I am due to go into my local hospital for medical management tomorrow as a scan yesterday has showed that I have not passed everything after two weeks since my last scan. I'm a bit confused now as two hospitals in my local area offer different processes for the medical management. I went to a different hospital this weekend for a scan so I didn't have to take any more time off work and they do a two step process: tablets followed by pressaries a couple of days later. My local hospital just gives tablets and said they don't do the two step process any more. Has anyone else been through the process where they only give you tablets and wait for any remaining product to pass? This is my local hospital so I would rather go there but I can't find any similar experiences from ladies that have done this. I'm now worried I've made the wrong choice. Any information would be gratefully received! xxx
Hi Dotty Woman.

So sorry about your loss.

I don't have any experience of this myself, as I had the ERPC on Friday, but didn't want to read and run. As I don't have any personal experience of medically managed, I can only say what my limited knowledge of it is, having had the information to make the decision myself only last week.

My understanding is that in medically managed, the tablets are to block the pregnancy hormone, which would cause the body to let go of the pregnancy, and the pessary is to open the cervix making it easier to pass. I can't understand why the hospital would give you the tablet to force the body to let go of the pregnancy but not give you something which would make it physically easier on you. My understanding is that a miscarriage can sometimes be as painful as a mini labour and therefore I personally would want to be given all the help I could.

When I spoke to the midwife at the EPAU about my options and was discussing medically managed, I asked her if it was more painful than natural, as this is what I had heard from reading sites such as this, and she agreed that it was - she said that the miscarriage is forced along by the tablets and therefore the pain tends to be more intense, although it is over quicker than naturally.

Why don't you phone your local hospital and ask them to explain why they do not give you pessaries - if you are unsure about it, you need someone to explain it to you. I think they really should have explained this to you already rather than just saying that they only do a one stage process. I am very much of the mind that knowledge is power and I wouldn't want to go through a procedure of any kind without knowing what to expect, what is happening and why. You could always opt for having it at the other hospital if you are anxious about it.

Good luck and will be thinking of you. :hugs:
Hiya sorry it's been such a long drawn out process I tried the medical managed route with first mmc with tablet 1 day n then into hospital next day for pessery it didn't work for me I was in a lot of pain and bleeding passed clots but nothing pregnancy related I had to ave erpc week later wish I'd goe for that tbh first but I was scared, gd luck I hope it sorts it out for u xx
Thank you for your posts ladies. I spoke to be hospital today and they have explained things to me. It has been explained that the process has proved to be just as effective as the two stage process. I'm not sure if this is just a cost saving exercise. I am going to go ahead tomorrow as I am happy that I understand the process. I am just hoping it's not too painful. xxx
Hun, I had the two stage process but hopefully my experience will be similar to yours. It wasn't pleasant, the cramps were exceedingly UNpleasant, but with the painkillers i was given (i did it at home at 11 weeks) and hot bottle, DH and TV distraction and pads it was ok. It wasn't as painful as i'd feared and I mostly passed th eproducts when i pushed when i went to the loo, I'd feel an urge and i'd pass a load. I bled reasonably heavily for 2-3 days and stopped completely after about 10 days. I felt rough for 2-4 days, but my cramps started the day after the tablets, the pessary just seemed to speed it up. Hope it goes ok lovely x
Thanks for sharing your experience Dyscochick and your kind thoughts. I haven't told my boss the finer details but they know at work that I'm going into hospital for a procedure and and going to be ropey for a few days after. I feel better that it's off my chest now. xxx
I got back from the hospital at about 2:00pm and have had bad cramps since passing a large piece of tissue. Just feeling a bit emotional as I think I have just passed the sack and embryo. However I feel something of a sense of relief which may sound a bit weird. The experience has been less scary than I expected so far although I appreciate I have some way to go yet. Thanks to everyone for their support. xxx
THe hard part is over now hun, it is an emotional experience, especially when you see what you think it the sac and embryo. I think thats were the relief came in, i felt i could let go as i said goodbye at that point. Hope you got a decent nights sleep and don't feel too rough. Don't be surprised if you do continue to pass reasonable amounts of blood, I found a heavy period pad did the trick though. :hug:
Thank you Dyscochick! I would gave had a good night's had my cat flap no conked out and left my cat caterwauling outside the front door at 2:00am! However aside from that, this morning I'm feeling emotionally better than yesterday and aches are gradually subsiding. I think (and hope) I passed most of the tissue yesterday as there have been no further clots (sorry!) and I am just bleeding now but appreciate that there may be more. Just going to have a nice quiet day today and get some rest. xxx
glad it went ok, i only had a small amount of clots once the bulk of it passed. relax, take time for you. I found myself wanting to ttc straight away, but left it a bit and felt emotionally stronger for the extra time. look after yourself and good luck for if/when you do decide to ttc again xx
Ok. I'm at my wit's end. I have now been bleeding for over 4 weeks. It's one week since I had medical management and I have has two big losses of tissue - one in the day of the procedure and 1 five days later and bleeding in between. Surely there can't be anything left! :(((((
Oh Dotty, my heart goes out to you! I dont have any experience with medical management but mc unfortunately I do (just been through two). Look after yourself and make sure your blood levels are ok - dont get anemic. When I tried to do it naturally I lost two large clots and thought yippeeeee, everything out but they told me that there was still a huge clot inside me and ended up having a d&c.
I hope this is all over very soon and you find some peace!
I'm getting a negative pregnancy test result so assumed I was almost there. I assumed if there was any placenta left or similar that would cause the test to be positive but I'm really not sure any more! :(
Have you had a follow up scan hun? they should check tomake sure its all gone anyway. sorry its been so drawn out for you! :hug:
Hi Dyscochick! There was no mention of a follow-up scan. I've just spoken to the hospital and they say that if I get a negative pregnancy test after 2 weeks, all the tissue has gone. They say I could bleed for 2-3 weeks. Please let it not be that long! :eek: If I'm still bleeding without a break I'm supposed to go to my G.P. or contact them again. Sounds like I've a way to go yet! :(
Hi Dotty. Not much advice I can give you as I had a ERPC but just wanted to say I'm sorry it has been such a long process for you and I hope the bleeding stops soon, if it hasn't done already.

Hope you are getting plenty of rest and TLC.

Thank you PerfectStorm! Thought things were beginning to calm down and now I am getting brown stringy stuff again ( sorry for tmi!). It is know 2 weeks after my medical management and I was hoping this would have stopped by now. Thoroughly fed up. I guess a lot of ladies feel the same! xxx
Ok. Almost at the point of insanity now. It will be 3 weeks on Tuesday since my medical management and I have veen having some bleeding although not always a lot all that time. In the last 2 days I have been bleeding more heavily with some clots and am having some cramps. This can't be AF as From what I have read you need to have 20 or so bleed-free days. That makes 6 weeks since I had my first scan. Pregnancy test is showing negative. If I still had retained tissue wouldn't it come back positive? I have to do the official pregnancy test from the hospital on Tuesday. I hope I don't have to go back. Sorry for moaning but this is the lowest point so far. Xxx
Been on double antibiotics for a week now and my bleeding has finally stopped. Hoping I have turned a corner! :)

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