Measuring 5 weeks behind at 36 weeks


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2015
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Afternoon ladies.

Just back from my 36 week MW appt and been referred for a growth scan as measuring 31 cm and static growth pretty much for last 4 weeks. I definately feel as if I have gotten bigger and baby is still moving but it's really worried me! Has anyone else had this experience at this stage and what was the outcome?


Hi Becky

I went to the midwife last week at 35 weeks and bump hadn't got any bigger since my 31/32 week appointment, I went for a growth scan the same day and baby is measuring small. They've said she's measuring at 30 weeks and around 4lb.

I'm going for regular checks at the hospital now over the next two weeks checking babies heartbeat/movement and also the blood flow from the placenta etc. I will be having another growth scan in 2 weeks and if baby hasn't grown enough then they've said they'll want to get her out so will probably be induced.

Hi Becky,

If u look at sezzys thread a little further down the 3rd tri page I've put info on there too as I'm in exactly same boat.

Hope bubba is growing ok.

If growth scan shows small then it's Doppler scans and growth scans each week so u will get very closely monitored which should hopefully ease worries x
They did say to me that baby still being active is good and the first heartbeat monitor test I had was all fine xx
Ah thanks for this. I'm glad I only have to wait until tomorrow for a scan. at the start I was worried about having a big baby as both me and hubby were pretty big babies and we are both around 6 foot now so it didn't even cross my mind to think about baba being too small! Reassuring to know that if any concerns they will monitor closely and not act too rashly! Ah these last few weeks are so worrying aren't they - part of me will be glad when he/she is here but I'd like them to stay put for a little while longer if they can x
Let us know how your scan goes, I have another booked in for next Friday xx
Thanks Sezzy, will do. it's at 1.30 - not clock watching at all :s

Good luck let me know how u get on...

If it helps for comparison-

My baby's head measurements were spot on .. For 35+3.
Abdominal and femur length - 33 weeks , maybe less.
Estimated weight 2100g.

I'm 5ft 6 and was 55kg ( big WAS!) so she's just under 5th centile.

Doppler main artery pi - 81 and middle artery pi 1.89.
Fluid at deepest pool 4.2cm.

No idea what any of that means but I wish I had a comparison at that time so hopefully it helps u.

Xx fingers crossed all is ok x
Thanks Jess. Really helpful to have a comparison. Sounds like you got much more detail than me - I just had the graphs with the plots on it. Happy to say that the scan was absolutely fine though! Baby was very lively during the scan and kept kicking the scanner thing...they checked it at the day unit afterwards and said that everything looked fine size wise. Estimated fetal weight is 2992g which is about 6 and a half pounds which isn't little at all so just shows how inaccurate the tape measure method is. They said that I was clearly just hiding it well. I still think it's weird that my bump is measuring the same as it did at 31 weeks but my mind is at rest for a bit at least.

Thanks for your support ladies :) x
Tape measure told me I was going to have a 10lb baby! He was 7.14!

I'm a massive believer in baby position aswell! Apparently I'm measuring spot on atm but she's measuring my bump different to how the other midwifed did!

Glad baby is all good :)
Aww that's fab news Becci! Glad bubba is ok and a healthy weight xxx u must have fab tummy muscles! X
I'm measuring big! At 31 checkup which I was 31+5 measuring at 34 weeks but she marked it down as 32 weeks as the Sunday I hit 32 weeks it's bizzare. So I'll have to have a scan if he keep measuring too big xxx
Glad it is good news, I noticed you said you are tall. I had measured small all the way through (no static measurements week to week though) and the MW said it was probably my height giving baby lots of room to get cosy. Didn't feel like it to me mind, felt like my lungs were by my ears lol.xx
Ha ha yes it certainly doesn’t feel like there is lots of room. It’s also the first time anyone has commented on my strong stomach muscles – this is not something that my pre-pregnancy bikini body would indicate but hey, I’ll take that J As you say I think it’s mainly because I’m tall and also they lying head down but with their back against one side of my tummy and their legs down the other side which seems a bit odd and I hope they wriggle around but I guess if they are not fully lying with back to stomach then they aren’t pressing outwards either. xx

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