Hey all,
Not going to post a long message, thankyou for all your well wishes...
will post longer story but had 3 lots of prostin gel and it eventually got me dilated to 2-3 cm's and they could break my waters about 5 on tuesday night...
Then it was all downhill from there really....concerned about my blood pressure and thought i was dehydrated and baby and contraction were not progessing even though i was fully dilated by 7am wednesday morning....so i had to have an assisted labour.
But Amber Jane Tonks is now here and she is doing brilliantly..7lb 5oz and i would just like to say those scans and midwifes who tel you your baby is going to be oversize etc - be cautious at my 36 weeks scan they said 7lb 12oz so we were estimating about 8+ lb baby!!
Love to all and those who have had babies congrats.
Will post some better pics soon.
Amz xxxxxxxx
Thanks for Jacky for all text support during the long process.
Not going to post a long message, thankyou for all your well wishes...
will post longer story but had 3 lots of prostin gel and it eventually got me dilated to 2-3 cm's and they could break my waters about 5 on tuesday night...
Then it was all downhill from there really....concerned about my blood pressure and thought i was dehydrated and baby and contraction were not progessing even though i was fully dilated by 7am wednesday morning....so i had to have an assisted labour.
But Amber Jane Tonks is now here and she is doing brilliantly..7lb 5oz and i would just like to say those scans and midwifes who tel you your baby is going to be oversize etc - be cautious at my 36 weeks scan they said 7lb 12oz so we were estimating about 8+ lb baby!!
Love to all and those who have had babies congrats.
Will post some better pics soon.
Amz xxxxxxxx
Thanks for Jacky for all text support during the long process.