me again sorry! (Q about follow-on milk)


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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idk if this is a health question or feeding, sorry if its in the wrong place.

iv just stopped BFing now my princess is 8 months- i had formula (sma gold i think? the yellow one) in anyway for when she's at my parents' and her porridge etc, but i just ran out. i thought i'd try hipp organic as its cheaper, also i thought i'd get the follow-on milk rather than the first one as it has more iron etc, and when i spoke to HV about her not taking enough milk she said she needs iron from it or risks becoming anaemic.

anyway, millie seems to love the new milk, it goes down easier- and also (i taste test everything!) it is nicer than the others iv tried and it and its whiter its more like BM.

but, today we've had no number 2's! which is very unusual! not just that but a few times shes been doing "poo face"s (where she holds her breath, frowns and goes red! ykwim lol!) but when i checked none there! is it the follow-on milk maybe making her constipated? or maybe due to stopping BFing?

i am ok to just give her follow-on arent i? she is well over 6 months.

oh and is it ok to mix? earlier she was pulling at my top and rooting :(
and i didnt hav time to boil a kettle and wait to cool so i got a carton of aptamil from the emergency cupboard (lol!) so not only is it different brand but different type too (the first one)

sorry for all the questions lately
well changing the milk can cause tummy problems (not major ones lol) just constipation etc so i would try to stick to one hun...although saying that shes not newborn but if it was me i would stick to one :hug: :hug:

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