MC this morning :-(


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2014
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Had a miscarriage this morning, my first pregnancy I'm absolutely devastated. Bleeding so heavily still. Was only 5 weeks, but we were both so excited. Feel totally broken :-(
Had a miscarriage this morning, my first pregnancy I'm absolutely devastated. Bleeding so heavily still. Was only 5 weeks, but we were both so excited. Feel totally broken :-(

Hi Blueeyes34, I just wanted to send you a big hug, it's such a hard thing to go through, stay strong and lean on those around you. It's so tough as you have lots of hopes, expectations and then they are taken away, but with time it does get easier. Take care xxx
Hi there,
Im so sorry to hear this. I am going through a mc right now also so I know exactly how you feel. My first scan at 10 weeks showed an empty sac so I took the medical option and started the tablets yesterday morning. Well, they worked immediately so Im in day 2 of heavy bleeding. I just hope its over soon for the both of us so we can move on. Its my first pregnancy too so fingers crossed next time will be a success for us.
Take care xx
Thanks both. I almost wished this bleeding would just hurry up and go as its just a constant reminder of whats actually happening. I'm sure like many women I'll get over this but at the moment its just to raw. Why does it have to happen to us? When the baby is so wanted :-(
I wish we knew the answer, I've had 2 MMC's at 11 weeks and 10 weeks, I always think of my angel babies and I hope that a happy healthy baby bean will find it's way to us soon. xx
Ive had 4 MCs and not one escapes my thoughts. Its a horrible thing to have to experience. Love and hugs x
Im so sorry for your loss! I had a mc at 7 and a half weeks and with my first and it is still as you have become a mum already. I bled heavilyfor a few days then it got lighter. Take time with you and your oh to grieve! Big hug!
Hi blueeyes, I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how devastating this is.Take care of yourselves.

Lots of love and big hugs x x
Thanks everyone. Physically feel a lot better just very tired and drained, bleeding is lighter now though. Emotionally I feel a total mess still, but guess in time that will heal too - I hope so. Feel so scared that I either won't get pregnant again or i'll miscarry again, we so badly want a family, I'm praying it happens for us one day xx
Hey hun - thinking of you. This happened to me a few weeks back. I'm not going to let myself dwell on what happened when it comes to future pregnancies, every thing happens for a reason I suppose. I do know it's hard though. Look after yourself xx
I can't stop crying tonight. I know there would never be a good time for this to have happened, but it couldn't have been worse timing, my boyfriend has been abroad since Friday night as his dad was taken critically ill all of a sudden and had to have major surgery, so my boyfriend flew out friday.

I started spotting friday afternoon, then bleeding saturday and miscarried Sunday morning, I phoned my boyfriend heartbroken in the early hours of sunday and told him we had lost the baby. We've been talking on the phone several times a day, and i'm trying so hard to be brave and positive, his dad has had to have major surgery and has only just come out of intensive care this morning, so my boyfriend has all of that upset and worry to deal with too.

I feel so scared that there will be something wrong, I have to go for a scan on sunday as i was still bleeding heavily when they scanned me last sunday, and i'm scared they might say that not everything has come away and i'll need a procedure (dont know what its called), and I'm even more terrified i wont get pregnant again. I wont a cuddle from my boyfriend so badly. Hopefully he's flying home tomorrow night or friday, but I feel bad that he's coming back when he's dads still so poorly, equally I'm desperate for him to be back with me :-(

Sorry for the long post, just so sad and need to get it off my chest I suppose. I feel so heart broken, we were so excited and happy to have been expecting our first child :-( xx
Oh what a truely awful time!! Big hug to you! Curl up with sime comfort food and let yourself cry if thats what you need. Hope you get you real hug soon from your partner! Xxx
Hi Blue eyes,
How are you feeling today? Must be terrible to go through this without your partner. I hope when he comes back the two of you will have some quality time together so you can both grieve.
My midwife called yesterday and told me that as the blood loss is getting less and less and the cramps are slowing down, then theres no reason to think anything is wrong. Sounds like you are in the same boat so try not to panic too much, just keep an eye on things.
Also, theres no reason to believe your next pregnancy wont be successful, Im terrified of this happening again too but the odds of things going well next time are very high. Theres a much higher chance of your next pg being successful than ending in mc, so try to stay positive (I know its hard)
take care xx
Thanks both.

Yes cocosherbie sounds like we are in the same boat, so sorry for you. My boyfriend is flying back tonight, although his dad is still very ill he has made an improvement and is now out of intensive care, so my boyfriend is coming home for a bit and then will fly back out later next week.

No stomach pain today and bleeding is now like a normal period, and I don't feel so tired. Only a few tears so far today. Just got to be positive I guess xx
Hi blue eyes, just seen your post and wanted to send a big hug :hug: to you.
I had a mc in nov last year so I know exactly what you are going through.

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