MC and preg tests.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2010
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Hi all.
I had to go in for an an early scan last Monday as i had a little bit spotting. By my dates i should of been about 7+ weeks but i dont have a 28 day cycle, when i went in for scan they couldnt see what they needed too so they asked to do an internal which they did. After this i was told they were not holdin out much hope that the pregnancy would continue, the CRL only measured 5+ weeks and 4.4mm and there was also no heartbeat. As you can imagaine i am devastated but theres nothing they can do.

I have another scan on Monday to see if anything has changed and also have open access to the ward incase anything happens.

The question is how quickly do preg tests start to fade? I have never been through this before so im unsure of a lot of things. I know i maybe shouldnt of done as its driving me mad but i hve continued to take preg tests, at first i thought the lines were fading but now they the last 2 days they seem to be getting stronger? But when i went to the loo this morning i noticed i had been bleeding slightly, nothing major, just on wiping.

Is it normal for ur preg test lines to become stronger when i was told i was more than likely going to lose this pregnancy? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks Amy x
Hi sorry your going through this. When I was 6 weeks I was told I would miscarry by 10 weeks but baby held on and I got to 10 weeks despite the odds. I lost the baby later in pregnancy but cos my placenta came away not for the reasons they gave at 6 weeks. Don't give up hope it's good your lines are stronger and good luck for Monday. Here if you need to talk xxx
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goodluck hun and sorry you are going through this, not sure about the tests. I have had 2 mc but didn't continue testing so not sure, try and stay calm until your next scan and see what happens I know its very hard and im keeping my fingers crossed for you
Thank you. Its just so hard not knowing. I had a slight bleed when preg with my little boy and everything was fine so before i had my scan last Monday i kind of convinced myself everything was ok. But the sonographer thinks different.

Thanks again for your replys.

Amy xx

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