Mayo :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2010
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Ok so everyone tells you there are certain food that you are not allowed to eat....
Certain Cheeses etc

But i am really craving mayo!
Every time i eat something i think ooo where is the mayo... :/

Is it really that bad to eat it....or should i ignore my craving and think past it! :D
You have mayo as long as it is made with pasteurised egg, just check the label. Hellmans is safe to eat. I have been having mayo.
You can eat jarred Mayo like helmanns as it's made with pasteurised eggs-it's home made stuff you need to avoid as it is made with raw egg x
Lol I'm the worst at stickig with the eating rules. Seriously, I'm sure it's fine x
mayo is fine hun... as the girls have already said - it's the homemade stuff you need to be careful about! :) xxx
I have been aweful with the food rules, ive eaten everything from soft boiled eggs to shellfish :S My baba is fine and dandy though :D

I have been aweful with the food rules, ive eaten everything from soft boiled eggs to shellfish :S My baba is fine and dandy though :D


soft boiled eggs are fine hun as long as the whites are hard ;-) so i've been told anyway! (off to do some now haha ;-)) xx
:dust: :O yay! I'm so happy now! :D Yummy...

what about pate's????
arggh! Ok thanks guys... atleast i know i can still eat egg mayo sandwiches! :D gunna go make one now!! :p
I eat mayonaise from a jar but not the homemade one where you whisk eggs with (olive) oil because these raw eggs can contain salmonella and this could lead to a miscarriage or permanent defect to the baby (and I wouldn't risk that)
Mayo is yum!! My midwife told me the egg has to be hard alllll the way through Inc the yoak - but is mine??? .... No lol I like egg dip soildgers hahahaha! And poached egg when ita runny in the middle have done with all three and my mum and hers before her lol the only thing I avoid is paté coz of the liver not good for baby sayin that I had fagots the other day and noticed they has liver in @.@ I was a bit omg but then thought ahh once can't hurt lol! X

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I've had a few nuts every now and again and I've had dippy eggs but that's it.
The one thing I can't do is not have a dippy egg and as long as I'm careful I don't see the problem.

im loving peanut butter at the moment and i was looking on the internet to see if it was a problem and there are a lot of mixed views. Some say it ccna help stop your baby fom being alergic to nuts and others say it makes your baby a higher risk... :/
Three years ago they said don't eat nuts n it was a big tabboo and now mw says it's fine new research unless u or fob are allergic x

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im loving peanut butter at the moment and i was looking on the internet to see if it was a problem and there are a lot of mixed views. Some say it ccna help stop your baby fom being alergic to nuts and others say it makes your baby a higher risk... :/

I don't want to be rude but peanuts are not NUTS, they are beans! That is why many people who cannot eat pecan nuts for example can eat peanut butter. But yes a lot of people do not act well on peanuts and that is why they say you should be carefull how much of it you consume.

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