Maybe next week....


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2011
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For cleaning the house....I am just so tired, there's dust everywhere, I need to do at least 3 loads of laundry, vacuum everything and the bathroom is filthy....and I just feel so tired that getting from the living room to the kitchen seems an effort...
I thought I was done with the extreme tiredness....maybe I just have a bad day....

Anyway I hate living in a filthy house :( last week I didn't manage to do everything so it's been 2 weeks without a proper cleaning :shock:. I am so sad :(
Turn that frown right upside down!

Dont feel sad our house got like that, smells of detergent made me feel I'll and I had no energy but yesterday finally did it and it took three hours with little breaks here and there!

Your energy will come back- yesterday we had a party and I stayed up till half 2.....half past 2!!!

I'm convinced being sick finally as helped me just out all the buildup that's Been in my stomach. I spoke to a friend yesterday who knows the ups and downs we've had and she had so many naps during tri 1, no gym nothing-our bodies are working hard but your nearly in tri 2 soon so your energy will come back.

Just don't go snorting any dust and youll be fine till you get your mojo back xxxxxxx

Can your OH not do the "important" chores and the rest will just have to wait....

You cannot force yourself to have energy babe and it's most important now that you rest and keep baby Hope nice and chilled.

Luckily we don't have a massive place and my energy levels are OK so I managed to do the bathroom yesterday (I was flagging by the time it came to the kitchen though)

I say my energy levels are OK but Sunbeam I don't feel like I'll ever make Midnight again let alone 2.30am :shock: :shock:

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Dont stress over the housework it will get done in its own time and as Carnat says could your OH help out? HUbby does all the hoovering and cleans the guinea pigs out and deals with all the rubbish empotying bins and putting in wheelie bin etc which is a great help.

I have not had much energy either and did worry to start with about housework building up but I just do little bits at a time. Yesterday and FRiday was a good day got caught up on all the washing (granted it still needs folded and put away). I was up at 8am yesterday and gradually done things with breaks inbetween then as we were going out I had an hours sleep and wish I hadnt as I felt worse but still managed to stay up till 3am as I was chaffeur for other friends. Had as long a lie today as minion would let me so Im now thinking of finishing off the housework before going out for lunch for my brothers birthday xx
Don't stress about your house work, best to do it in stages than a massive session you'll just tire yourself and baby out. You can also get OH to share the load :) I've had a rock and roll weekend taking myself of to bed at 11pm both Friday and Saturday and have woke up this morning with a stinking cold! :( meh!
Aw bless you hun, you can't help the tiredness and you certainly can't clean when you're this tired! Just do the essentials and then the rest can wait until you're feeling better :) I hate living in a messy house too but it has had to slip a bit lately, we don't have a choice! You'll probs get at least 1 good day this week where you can blitz it a bit, I've found that for the last week or so I've started to get the odd little burst of energy back so just make the most of those times (although I've just woken up from a 2hr nap on the sofa! Haha).

Everyone keeps saying tri 2 is much more energetic, so you're very nearly there hun xxx
Thank you all girls, still feeling very tired, a little hot too, I think I may come with sth the next days.

We have a massive house 2 floors + basement where the laundry room, freezer, puppy cage etc are...

My oh is not quite interested on doing chores :( and the most awful is that he is not even bothered by a dirty house. When I was not living with him he was cleaning like 2 per year....:shock: :shock:

Anyway if I tell him to do sth he does it but most of the times I have to do it again myself lol so I don't bother most of the time.
Today I managed to do a load of those 3 of laundry. (he carried thought the dirty clothes in the basement) he vacuumed the first floor and we put the robot vacuumer to do the bedroom, the rest of the second floor and the basement will have to wait a brighter day....same comes for mopping the floors and dusting...
I cleaned the bathroom and I put the clothes to dry on the line and I cooked.

I think that will have to do for this week.... I hope next week will go better...
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:hug: Just do what you can and the rest can wait hun.

I'm in the it can wait group too.
I initially have grand plans for the day and I just seem to be plodding through. I'm getting there slowly....
I have a lovely basket of socks to pair up, so going to do that as I can do it sitting :lol: x

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