May be a really silly question!!


Aug 13, 2015
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Hi everyone!

With my first son, my milk didn't come in until about 5 days after having him. This time I really want to breast feed but am worried the same will happen?! possibly stupid question is.........can using a breast pump in the days before having my baby help the milk to come in sooner??
Thanks x
I did. I pumped to help labour come on. It didn't and I was induced but I had loads of milk and eventually had an oversupply but I don't think that was related to pumping before labour.
My milk came in quicker second time without doing anything.
My milk also came in earlier with #2, it started coming in after 2 days! Milk coming in at day 5 is totally normal and it doesn't mean you have a supply issue, supply issues are incredibly rare according to my lactation consultant. I wouldn't worry about trying to bring milk in early, colostrum is full of good stuff for them and you don't run out - it's made on a supply and demand basis so you will always have enough.

As kumber said, it is normal for your milk not to come in for a few days. Until it does you will produce nutrient rich colostrum instead :)
The best think to encourage mature milk is to have as much skin to skin as possible, especially immediately after birth.
Also put them to the breast as much as possible, you can't overfeed and there is no such thing as a newborn "feeding too much"

The other thing is avoid giving any bottles or dummies as this can interfere.

Last of all, it's common for milk to take a little longer to come in after a c section compared to a vaginal delivery.
Like Kumber & Maud said though, colostrum is produced in the first 3-5 days until the milk comes in, and it's full of antibodies to keep the baby healthy. As long as you don't restrict feeds the baby will get everything they need from your colostrum.
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I think mine came in after 3 days after having my little boy! It was more painful than childbirth to me anyways lol

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