Maternity leave - what's reasonable?


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2014
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I hope somebody can offer some advice. Currently 14weeks pregnant and because of the career I'm in it is looking as though I will only be able to take 10 weeks off after the birth of my baby. My job is fairly flexible, so I think that might make things easier when I go back, but I do have big exams in March and June which I will need to study for on my own time. (I'm due mid November) After the big exams in June things should settle down a bit and I can take 4 weeks annual leave.

Has anybody had experience going back to work so soon after having a baby? What did you find hard about it? Do you have any advice?

Just FYI I'm planning on working up until 2weeks before my due date, and when I do go back to work my husband and family will be involved in childcare. So luckily I won't have to rely on a nursery for the little one.

Thanks in advance!
No experience of this sorry. I know women who are the main bread winners do sometimes go back to work earlier and leave OH at home to look after the little one. It makes sense really if you're happy with that, and great if your job is flexible so you might be able to tailor it to see more or your baby.

If you dont get a big response here try posting in one of the more busy sections of the forum like pregnancy chat or trimester 2 xx
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No experience of this sorry. I know women who are the main bread winners do sometimes go back to work earlier and leave OH at home to look after the little one. It makes sense really if you're happy with that, and great if your job is flexible so you might be able to tailor it to see more or your baby.

If you dont get a big response here try posting in one of the more busy sections of the forum like pregnancy chat or trimester 2 xx
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Thank you ClimbingRose :) I wasn't sure where the best place to post it would be!
I would really like to know the answer to this as i will be in a very similar situation as yourself, flexible but will still need to go back quite soon
Someone actually asked this on the "working Mummies" thread in B&T.

I am afraid my opinion on the matter isn't going to make you feel any better.

Yes someone women do go back early. In the US they only get 6 weeks paid maternity leave (12 weeks in total) and many women go back when their babies are teeny.

That in itself is not a bad thing but the reality must be so hard.

Some things to factor into your decision are:
* Baby could be late. They let you go up to two weeks before offering induction so whilst you think you are going back when baby is 8 weeks they could be 2 weeks younger :shock:
* C-sections can take a lot of recovery time, especially emergency sections.
* If you want to BF, young babies still feed on demand so how will you manage that with work?
* You will be very sleep deprived, little ones rarely sleep the night through at such a young age.

I found being a Mum a complete shock to the system and I would say it took a good 2 months until I felt competent with the baby. Those early days were very tough.. for me at least !

Sorry to make it sound so bleak but I think you need to also be realistic. 10 weeks maternity leave really isn't a long time at all.

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If you do go back at 10 weeks post birth then well done because its such hard work.
I still nap in the day for the tiredness and my little one is two.
My lo did start sleeping through from about 8 weeks but it didnt last for long.
If you was to have a c section they recommend no lifting or driving for up to 6 weeks and I know people who have felt rough still at 3 months post ssection
By no means am trying to be negative just realistic
I was just wondering, what if you get complications and have to stay in hospital for 10 weeks before even giving birth. It doesn't happen on a daily basis but the fact is that uncontrollable things like that CAN happen and it can too after the birth. Sometimes you don't have that control. You can take up to a full year of MAT leave and only 39 are paid. As much as you'd like to think about that in advance I would wait until giving birth with being certain when you are coming back and start thinking between week 20-25 when you want to go on leave. I too joked that I'd still be in answering phones and my water will go at work but by 33 weeks I was bloody glad to be finished at the end of the week!

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