maternity clothes!


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2007
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Is it just me or have you found that when you reach a certain stage, even the maternity trousers with the elastic at the pockets don't fit around the waist! Are they supposed to sit below the bump?
They fitted over my waist when I wore them a few weeks ago!!!
Looks like I'm going to have to graduate to over the bump ones for the next 2 and a half months...
Over the bump may not be glam but they sure are comfy! All my below the bump ones fall down which is rather embarrassing given the size of my belly and bum!! Still I'll be back in ordinary trousers soon (albeit slightly larger ones!!) :rotfl:
midna said:
Ive given up on maternity dosnt help where most the stores over here dont even stock maternity ...not even our next or top shop does lol. I have accepted that I am to spend the rest of my pregnancy days looking like a tramp but I dont care. I did get one pair of maternity trousers which are meant to be under bump but come sorta half way up the bump therefore always saggin around the bum... :roll: Nevermind only got 10 weeks left :D
So you're spending your days in XXL mens tracksuit bottoms are you!!! :rotfl:
I gave up on under the bump jeans as they kept falling down so I needed a belt to hold them up which was uncomfortable. Looks like I'm going to have to pay another visit to Mothercare and New Look...
I know what you mean, I have a good pair of maternity trousers that I use for work and they just don't fit right at all anymore, they almost fall down when I am standing up but dig into me when I am sitting at my desk, I have to keep going for a walk to give myself a break lol, never mind only got 4.5 weeks left at work (24 working days!) I am sure I can manage betwen now and then.
By the end of my pregnancy I had 2 items that still fit me, people must have thought I was a tramp or something, everytime I went out I was wearing the same thing!! :-) Thankfully as soon as I'd given birth everything maternity wise fit me again....2 weeks later I'm still wearing some of the bits although it's nice to be back in my normal tops etc again now.
At the end of my first pregnancy I wore a pair of mens tracksuit bottoms and a bright orange sweatshirt that belonged to my dad. I looked a right old sight but I was comfy! I've bought a few maternity bits and bobs this time mostly off ebay but like I said in my earlier post a lot of the trousers seem to fall down. Embarrassing when I'm trying to walk the dog!!

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