Maternity allowance from social security!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2005
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Hiya i dont know if any of you remember a while ago i put a post up about maternity grant and in that post i had mentiond about i also applied for maternity allowance, well after being turned down back in december i appealed against it.

After a good few hours on the fone on monday chasing it up to see what was happening i got a phone call today saying i have won my appeal :dance: :dance: :dance: i know i shouldnt be happy cos it is something i was entitle to. I also have a complaints forum for both the dss and for my last employer for all this hassle so i just cant wait to fill in teh complaints forum think i will have to attatch ten extra pages onto the back and just go mad not only for teh way benefits work but for everything oh and we still having no luck getting a council house but at least i got teh maternity allowance thank god!!!!!
The system is useless isnt it hunny. Me and my fella had to do some last minute decorating and scrubbing off mold in our flat as we no nearer to getting rehoused. And for the dole you get less if you have worked which is terrible. They ay you havent paid enough tax contributions what about people who have never worked they havent paid any. Its mad you were right to appeal hunny. I appeal everything and phopne the council every week to do their heads in it keeps me busy and amused.
i know what u mean about phoning the housing every week its got to the stage where the number is on our friends and family list as we call them so much, they wont give us a council house because we are in private accomidation but the shit thing is they will give sex offenders everything makes me sick to the back teeth.

This is the only bennefit i have been entitle to except tax credits when i was really ill with my last pregnancy i was told i wasnt entitle to anything but had to go sign on to get my ni stamp paid because my partner worked more than 24hrs a week as most people who have never worked and have nothing wrong with them they prob will never work because they are better off staying on beneffits cos they prob get more money and dont have to pay rent.

Its the honest people in life that get no where with the social im starting to wonder if i should just risk it and do what most people where i live do and tell a load of bullshit and get everything thats going but knowing my luck i would be the one to get cought :wall:

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