matches are propping my eyes open


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2006
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well im absoloutely fluffed, little man has decided to wake during the night, getting increasingly earlier, it started where he woke at 4, nest night it was 3 then 2.45 then 2.15 then 1.35 and last night 11.45. I change him bum and then give him a bottle he then goes back down morning but im shattered.
I think its because his teeth are at the tops of his gums and being awkward and not cutting through i hope it is because im not sure how to address it if its him being a monkey
i cant leave him to cry it out because the little imp sits himself up in his cot and gets really upset.
just some advoce needed really please
Awww hunny welcome to my world, its awful isnt it :(

Do u think he is hungry when he is waking or is it a comfort thing?? cos u dont want him getting to used to waking up and having a bottle if it just his teeth. W hy dont ya change him give him some calpol and loads of calgel give him a cuddle and try letting him cry till he drops off, you will soon know if he does want feed or its just his teeth.

I get through these hard times by telling myself it will not last forever :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Awww poor lil man and you hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I hope it gets better soon and he's teeth finally come thru :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
chezzabell said:
Awww hunny welcome to my world, its awful isnt it :(

Do u think he is hungry when he is waking or is it a comfort thing?? cos u dont want him getting to used to waking up and having a bottle if it just his teeth. W hy dont ya change him give him some calpol and loads of calgel give him a cuddle and try letting him cry till he drops off, you will soon know if he does want feed or its just his teeth.

I get through these hard times by telling myself it will not last forever :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I do think it is a comfort thing tbh because alot of his milk intake is for comfort hes never had a dummy and beats up his teddies so the only real thing apart from cuddles is his milk, plus its also when he gets his big cuddles during a feed, dont get me wrong he gets loads of cuddles but he isnt so much interested in them unless he has milk as hes such a little investigator.
I will try that tonight i think if not ill give him some warm juice only a couple ounces to settle him off
awww hun, Louie wakes up all through the night too, but mainly for his dummy & then about 6 am he ends up in our bed :roll:

good luck hun. :hug: :hug:
I really feel for you, I know how hard it can be. Aimee did this everynight from 6-13 months when we eventually did the controlled crying cos I could not take anymore. She started off wanting milk so I took that away and gave her juice instead but she then started waking up at least 10 times a night for some juice. It was a nightmare! I took about 2 nights of controlled crying to sort it. She still wakes up most nights now but its mainly before we go to bed anyway. I really hope it is his teeth and you can get it sorted quickly for your sanity.
i stayed up untill 1 incase he woke up and he slept through :shock: hes trying to torture me
Alfiesmummy said:
beats up his teddies

haha Ellis does this too!!!! I thought he was the only weirdo..... i say arrr night teddy and he grabs it and shouts and throws it!!

Keely said:
Alfiesmummy said:
beats up his teddies

haha Ellis does this too!!!! I thought he was the only weirdo..... i say arrr night teddy and he grabs it and shouts and throws it!!


its his dads fault when he was younger and first started grabbing things ian would get a cushion and say get it alfie and alfie would bite it and shake it :rotfl: so now hes really boistorous (sp) men! :roll:

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