MatB1 etc :D


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2007
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I'm so excited, having just written my maternity leave letter and emailed it to myself at work.

I hate my job soooooo much at the moment, I've told them I'm leaving early because I have too much and it stresses me out. If they'd halve my workload I could stay a little longer, but f*** 'em because they obviously don't care or appreciate what I do enough.

Woo to me, eh? :D
wohoo!!! to you!!

I hate work too! in fact I just threatened them to change mu shift or else I was going on maternity dead early and taking the full year. I have changed to day shift now muhahahaha!!

do you not have a health advisor or something who can recommend you have your workload reduced? would mean extra pennies longer after baby comes x
I hate work at the mo too!

Too much work and too much stress! And too many fcukwits!

They haven't even asked me when I'm leaving yet - we have no HR dept to speak of!

By my records I should tell them in a few weeks - if they haven't approached me by then - shall I bother telling them when I plan to leave?

I'd like to leave earlier than the 6 wks before due date - but other half doesn't want me to - but I hate it here sooo much!
my OH doesnt like the idea of me leaving work early either but he doesnt understand being full time & doing shift work on a busy A&E department is like! i was thinking of leaving at 34 weeks but i come back from my hols at 32 weeks so general consensus at work is it wouldnt be fun to come back for 2 weeks inbetween hehehehe

at the hospital where i work you have to let them know youre pregnant by 25 weeks so they can deal with all their paperwork etc if you dont let them know by then there is a chance you wont get your smp etc straight away.... so might be worth asking your HR dept when they need to know.

Yay Nicky, go you :cheer:

I have decided to put back my maternity leave by two weeks so will be leaving end of June :( My OH has just got a new job :cheer: but I figure we should have at least one month with us both working. However I am going to ask HR whether I can take my next years leave (sept to april or whenever I stop collecting holiday) before my maternity leave. If I can them I will be leaving on the 13th which is the day you are leaving I imagine :cheer:
I'm leaving in five and a half weeks. I so neeeeed to go. I was chatting to HR today (she's so nice) and she was surprised how bad it has been. The thing is, she knows, she's going to talk to some people, but nothing will change. Our place is just like that.

My DH is being lovely about me leaving early. He hates my work and would've let me walk out weeks/months ago even if it meant no SMP, but I couldn't let that much money go. So me leaving early is a good compromise.
Yep Mildly, the 13th. I have some holiday to take so I'm going a week later than I *really* have to, but I can manage two weeks of June.

I can't describe how much it stresses me out. I'm so happy it's less than six weeks, that sounds so little!

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