married or baby first ?


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2006
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Well as you might have seen in my other post that my OH proposed to me on thursday night! :dance: (I said yes!!!)

But my question is what would you do first get married or have another baby ? :think: :think:

We really want both obviously not right at this minute but which would you do first ? ? :think:

All opinions very welcome...... :D
me and OH have been engaged for three yrs and the plan was to get married before babies but then Jamie came along!

Now hes here, i want him to remember mummy and daddy gettin married and even b part of the wedding so when hes at least 6 i think we will do the deed but im in no rush!

you dont have to b married for a kid to have a loving family is how i see it!
I think it's really up to you - how you personally feel about it.

I'm pretty traditional really (well on the most part anyway). I had already been engaged to DH for a few years and we were living together - we were planning on getting married after I finished uni.

But I found out I was pregnant half way through my first year of uni (it was 13th January 2005), so immediately we decided to get married before the baby came along.

So we did a very fast wedding plan and got married on 2nd April 2005 - I was about 4 months pregnant at the time, so I couldn't drink and I had a bit of a bump, but I was glad we got married before, because as I said, I'm kind of traditional (okay not that traditional to wait for sex after marriage haha, but traditional enough to know that I wanted to be married before my baby was born).

But I don't think waiting until after you have another baby is a bad thing, it really just depends on how you feel :)
I wanted to get married before having kids, but things never happen like that.

OH and I have decided to get married either end of next year or the year after. Were going to have 2 kids by the time we finally get married.

Its up to you though hun, things dont always work out as planned so we just take each day as it comes :D
me and OH had been engaged for 3 ish years, and had booked the wedding for next may. but seeing as we now have LO on the way, we have cancelled it. It was looking like it was going to be getting married first then baby, but she has come first as a wonderful surprise!

Saying that, it doesn't mean a huge amount to me to get married. I agree with mummykay when she said "you dont have to b married for a kid to have a loving family".

Congratulations again!!! :hug: :cheer:
Congrats on your proposal!! :cheer:

I am divorced-was with my ex for 8 years (married for 2) and we were like chalk and cheese-he also didnt want kids but I always thought he would change his mind, sadly he didnt....

Me and OH have been together 4 years, we will get married one day, I love him with all my heart and never believed I could love anyone as much as I love him and him me...we are really soul mates. Our baby is going to complete our lives.
I cant wait to be his wife one day but at the moment we are so deliriously happy its something we have put on a back burner.
I love the thought our little one will be there when mummy and daddy do become Mr & Mrs

angiemum2b said:
Well as you might have seen in my other post that my OH proposed to me on thursday night! :dance: (I said yes!!!)

But my question is what would you do first get married or have another baby ? :think: :think:

We really want both obviously not right at this minute but which would you do first ? ? :think:

All opinions very welcome...... :D

well id have another baby coz once you're married you'll never have sex and you'll not get your baby. :D
I like your idea budge and prob well true hey ? ? ?

You make me laugh! :lol: :lol:
seriously id go for the baby first.

we didn't get married until two years ago after our third bubba.
I played hard to get and i still think i was too easy :lol: :lol:
we got engaged in feb and have booked our wedding for april 2008 that means baby will be about 13 months old hopefully enough time to get my shape back to something decent and our little man will be a pageboy!! all OH's family was worried about is that the baby would have his name, of course it would.

its personal choice.
it is personal choice you're right rusks. :)
We got engaged 6 years ago! still waiting just got things moving and got pregnant again, so we could'nt aford to do both so the wedding is on hold untill I get my body back,but we cant decide to go to Scotland with the family or just have it here, we dont want a big thing and its hard not to invite everyone if we have it here!
Everyone is diffrent it has to be your choise
We got married when my son was 7 months old. I did it then because it made things easier for me with having the same name. With clinic appointments and stuff it was just easier having the same last name as Aaron and my husband. That was my only reason really! To be honest marriage wasn't a huge big deal for me, if we didn't have Aaron we probably wouldn't have bothered. Not that getting married was a chore :lol: I loved every minute of it and I love being a wife but I don't need that certificate to know how much I love my husband it was just easier having a child. At the end of the day it's down to you hun!
its a personal choice hun when i had my son 13 years ago my family would have gone mad if id done it outside of marriage as we are a big catholic family now they just accept it after a divorce and another 2 pregnancies with a man i dont even have a stable relationship with :oops:
and i definatley agree with budge go for the baby first and then marriage xxx
I decided to get married before having kids. We had already decided we wanted to get married when i found out i was pg so we decided to bring it forward and we got married when i was 6 months pg. The only reason we decided to bring it forward was cos of legal reasons, like the name and stuff.
Our wedding was all booked for September then I found out I was pregnant and due 2 weeks before! :shock:

It's been moved to May 2007 but TBH I am a little disappointed to be doing it this way round.

I'm not even a traditional person in any other way but I did have a thing about wanting to be married before (not enough to be a preggers bride, mind you!)

So, we're going to have a tiny page-boy at our nuptials!!
OH is very old fashioned by English standards and he wanted to be married but hey things never go to plan in my life so that can wait. He did actually say yesterday "I never married you for..... whatever it was" kinda reminded him that actually we weren't married! Who's got the pregnancy brain drain then? :lol:
Definately personal choice. I am suprised at how many people that have come up to me and Rich since ive been pregnant and said 'So you going to get married sooner now then' and 'Gosh didnt you want to get married first' which I think is a bit rude, as I wouldnt say that to a couple that were unmarried and about to have a baby.

When I was a little girl I always wanted to get married and then have kids but as you get older you learn that things just dont work like that :doh:

Rich and I got engaged 3 yrs ago next month and were planning to get married next year or the year after all being well (until I got pregnant that is)

We have now decided on Summer 2009 when il be 23 and Rich will be 25 and LO will be two and a half and a page boy :D
I will have been with OH for 10 years when baby is due. We have a strong relationship and are like soul mates, the best of friends! I think having this and showing a lot of love to our child means more than a ring or piece of paper. But then I'm not a girly girl and never dreamt of a fairytale wedding! :hug:

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